Well rounded traveler, Mick Bayzand gives us a quick Q&A. Pretty interesting read this one…

What are you up to today?
at home chillin whatching cartoons reovering from a big night last night….
Micky, You just got back from living in Vancouver Canada for the past couple years, what was your favourite part about living there?
Oh mate soooo much good street soooo much, good parks if ya in to that, epic trails and I mean epic! sickest spot ever. Meeting a whole new crew of amazing people, and of course the girls woooowwwww. Oh and Reases chocolates……
What did you miss most about Oz?
My family, riding with the crew, all my mates, road triping with the Colony boys, the aussie accent, meat pies, warm weather and neighbours.. hehe.
Tell us something about yourself people probably don’t know…
i made millions in the stock market and pissed it all up the wall! Naa, I have a IQ of 1700 hahaha nah more like two but I do have a black belt in taekwondo and I really enjoy cooking with a little help from some one who actually knows what there doing.
You tend to enjoy grinding rails, what is your favourite thing to do down a rail?
well I have to say I do love doing double pegs and over’s just because you can do them down some really ridiculous rails and that’s always a crazy rush. Saying that, I am quite fond of a big ice to, oohhh yeaah hangers feel amazing and I am just starting to get in to luc-e grinds. Pretty much anything down a rail is amazing..
Lately you have been travelling a fair bit, what has been your favourite place to ride?
Wow that’s a tough one, I have so much fun traveling and riding new spots that’s probably my favourite thing to do ever I love it that’s when I get my best riding done but as for spots Canada trails, Brizzie trails, the over vert drains in Melbs. Every state and every where you go has mad spots I just love being on my bike with my mates searching and shredding cant beat it hey……………………….