Ramp Attak…
We went out the other night and hit up the new indoor park up here in Brisbane, Ramp Attak which was a bit of fun, Alex Hiam and Chris Courtenay seemed to enjoy it…
We went out the other night and hit up the new indoor park up here in Brisbane, Ramp Attak which was a bit of fun, Alex Hiam and Chris Courtenay seemed to enjoy it…
Alex has been clocking some footage whilst out on usual shred missions over the past couple of months, with thanks to his mates that he rides with they filmed up this this edit we got going on…
The guys over at Helensvale BMX are huge supporters of Colony & have a fair amount of their shop team riding Colony’s which is great to see. Check out a portfolio of their adverts by clicking here now.
Yo yo !!
Marnold is next on the list for a quick Q&A, he is from Melbourne Australia and grinds alot…
What are you up to today Marnold?
Finished work, having a beer then getting ready to roll with coops later.
Tell us something about yourself people probably don’t know…
I have four sisters no brothers.
What is it like living in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne in Australia?
It’s the bomb I love living in the eastern suburbs just alot nicer and close to everything for me.
What do you do for a job?
I’m a 4th year metal fabricator (tig welder)
You have been known to enjoy the odd grind or two, what grind are you pumped on doing lately?
Crooks and smiths are the best and latley x pegs been trying to get them dialed soo hard though!
What is the largest t-shirt you own?
It’s a 4xl tall tee that Josh mete brought back from America awhile ago and its got like cards dollar signs rims and that kinda shit on it. WAY to big for riding so it just chills.
The Sanction are a cool BMX and clothing store in Albury (NSW). Dre and Simon stock a bunch of Colony product and do a lot for the local scene! Check them out if you are in town.
Our flow rider Michal Mycek from Poland has a nice bike check over on Loked Bmx , there are a bunch of nice photos so be sure to check it out!
Doing our part for supporting the Amigos of Dave jam set for May, we are selling a Descendent compete bike in Matt Black online. The selling price is AUD$899.00 & 100% of the proceeds will go to Dave Montoya’s medical funds. Payment by credit card or direct debit only. You can email your order too info@colonybmx.com.au Get in quick !!
If you’re after an Endeavour complete bike more so then click here to get one for the same deal from Helensvale BMX.
Yo yo !!
Chris gets himself initiated on the team with his first edit for Colony. Quite the CCC show indeed with him putting some work in on this one. It came out really well with bombs being dropped left, right & centre. Stoked to have you on the team mate !! It won’t take long for Chris to get promoted to the pro team at this rate. Filmed & edited by Big Salad, thanks son !! Oh, look out for the special guest appearance by Alex Hiam as well.
Yo yo !!
Above All BMX have moved into a new store & to help celebrate this fact, a vast amount of the team are venturing on down. Come hang out & later go for a ride with Alex Hiam, Liam Fahy-Hampton, Mick Bayzand, Nick Richardson, Zac Miner, Cooper Brownlee, Chris Courtenay & myself. We will also be on the road between Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra & Melbourne & anywhere inbetween, so keep an eye out for a couple vans full of riders.
Yo yo !!
I left Melbourne this morning for the drive up to Brisbane which is about 2000 km’s. I have made it to Sydney and I will continue the journey in the morning. Looking forward to meeting up with a bunch of the team when I get there!
This photo is from a random spot I found on the road out in the country a couple hours from home.
Paddy Gross scored the photo of the day over on the Woozy site. Click here to check it out.
Yo yo !!
Mick Bayzand scores his well deserved second Colony advert in the latest 2020 magazine. Check out Mick’s Teddy frame & bars at a store near you now.
Yo yo !!
There is a new event on the calendar for New Zealand & the guys at bmx.co.nz have gotten behind the event with Colony as a supporting sponsor for the BMX part of the event. Should be worth checking out with a big air type event going down for BMX. Check the organisers website out for more info by clicking here now.
Yo yo !!
Ballistyx have been around forever but only recently entered the BMX side of things, they are stocking a bunch of Colony product and even have a crazy bowl in the middle of the store! Check them out if you are in the Ringwood (VIC) area.
Jonny Devine is our team rider for the UK, read on to learn a little more about him….
What are you up to today?
Today im going on a trip to Scotland with 15 of my mates for the weekend! Gonna be mint! get out of Preston for a bit.
Tell us something about yourself people probably don’t know…
I dont know, I hate spiders!
It tends to rain a lot over there? How do you survive the winter months?
haha I only just manage! Fortunately there are alot of indoor skateparks within an hour from were I live and I have built some ramps in my grandads barn! Hopefully there wil be an edit from there soon!
What do you do for a job?
I’m a bike mechanic at Leisure Lakes Bikes but will hopefully soon be an arborist!
You have an interview coming up in RideUk soon, I bet you are stoked to see how it comes out, what was it like shooting for that?
Yeah I’m quite nervous to see how it comes out should be funny! shooting for it was awesome as one of my best riding companions (the world famous Northern John) shot all the pictures for it. I love shooting with John because nothing is rushed and its always really chilled it was more like just shooting some pictures in a session! and his pictures always turn out awesome!
Above All BMX have moved to a new location & to help celebrate this they are having a promo where you can win a Teddy frame… click here now for the details. We will also drop news soon on an in-store appearance at Above All with a vast majority of the team as well as a jam at Helensburg. Set aside April 3rd in your calendar.
Yo yo !!
Oleg Alexandrov is our team rider from Russia and he just set up a brand new bike! Looks real nice with the colour combo he has used, here is a list of the Colony parts he is running….
Frame: Teddy 21″.
Forks: Phantom.
Cranks: Colonial V2.
Grips: LFH.
Pedals: Fantastic Plastic.
Hubs: Clone.
Seat, headset and bottom bracket.
I found this in my photo album & do not have a clue what it is about? Kangaroo sniffing a Vans/Colony Whip 2 shoe.
Yo yo !!
Chris Courtenay has his new bike together & has been ripping on it straight away. Check out his Teddy set up below… word.
Yo yo !!
Keen for some BMX action in Western Australia? This could be your thing…
Yo yo !!
About 2 years ago (I think), I noticed a young rider at Woodridge skatepark here in Brisbane. He was riding an 18″ bike that was clearly too small for him. I always said he should get a 20″ bike, sooner rather than later. I hadn’t seen him in ages but saw him recently at Woodridge ripping on a 20″ bike. It was good to see but it turned out it was his friends bike & his was broken beyond repair & it was still the old 18″ bike.
I figured I could do something about his bike less situation & got a bunch of old parts together. Ended up building him up an old Sweet Tooth of Alex’s with a bunch of parts we had around. Much better suited for him & he has already learnt a few new tricks, even in the rain.
Now before we get hundreds of emails asking for a free bike, please don’t do so. This was a special occasion & one that can’t happen all that often.
Yo yo !!
I am back in Taiwan once again for the annual trade show here. I always enjoy coming here, it’s great to get business done & always a fun time for sure. I am here to put the final touches on our 2011 ranges & will post a few sneak previews on these when ready later in the week.
Yo yo !!
Our new series of Tee shirts are shipping now around Australia. Check them out at your favourite BMX shop later this week. Click here now for more info. Sorry but these are only available in Australia for now.
Yo yo !!