
Random News Archives - Page 6 of 46 - Colony BMX

Jourdan clips

Larry Alverado came through with a bangin’ mixtape of crew from the West Coast in the USA and Jourdan stacked a few nice clips in the mix…

California Capers Street Mix – More BMX Videos

Jourdan Barba photo

Spotted this great photo of Jourdan in a photo gallery from Wes McGrath over on the Albion website. Check all the photos right here.


Zac Miner update

Hey guys just a quick update… This last month has been that good, with everyone just having a couple of weeks off on holidays it has been perfect. Between getting outta Canberra and heading down the coast to this amazing spot we always end hitting up, snorkelling, camping etc. I’ve been busy with a backyard project, I’m so fortunate to have amazing house mates and the result will be having my own 4 foot ghetto bowl with wall rides and all sorts of stuff. I’m about half way there, so stay tuned for some photos. Anyways until then I’ll be busy building. Talk to ya’s soon…

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Make sure you are following us on Instagram, all the team has the login so you will see plenty of different posts including sneak peek new products and giveaways @colonybmxbrand


Thanks for another great year!

Thanks to everyone out there for your awesome support during 2013. It’s been a great year for Colony & we look forward to what 2014 will bring us all. So from all of us here at Colony, thanks & may 2014 be a great one for you all.


Yo yo !!


I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone out there a very merry christmas & a great start to the new year ahead. Thanks for all your support through out the past year & all our past years. 2014 is set to be a great one & looking forward to what is ahead for us all.


Brandon Van Dulken photos

Our buddy Shawn Duffield over in Canada who shoots photos and footage of Brandon for us just had a photo feature over on The Northern Embassy which has a bunch of great photos including a few of Brandon, check it out.


Insta giveaway

We are having a little giveaway over the weekend via our Instagram. Make sure you are following us (@colonybmxbrand) then just repost this image and the #colonyfreebies and we will pick 4 winners on Monday and post them out.


Spotted – Limited Edition Guettler frame

I just spotted this over on the Vital BMX website where it looks like Sacramento rider Mike Donnelly picked up the 1 off fluro The Living frame kits that Dans Comp had over there. There is still a Teddy, Sweet Tooth and Miner frame up for grabs all of which only 1 of each went to the USA (only 4 in the world of each). If you are in the USA hit here for more info.


Jourdan Barba HayzinAZ trip

A couple weeks back Jourdan went on a trip for TCU and he shot through an update about it. There is a real nice photo gallery from the trip that Wes McGrath shot you can check out right here.

“The trip was fun we stayed at a friend Robbie’s house for 5 days rode a couple schools and spots, skateparks at night and we filmed a Instagram slam video that was fun to do with the whole crew… Dan Norvell,Jackson Ratima, Raul Ruiz, Glen Girboven, Nate and Wes! We rode and saw a lot of famous Phoenix spots, rode LA for a couple days after Arizona and went to the OSS store opening which was a good time! Over all it was a good trip and the video should be dropping soon for everyone to check out!”




Zac Miner update

Zac shot through some recent updates along with a pic of his fresh new rig. Full bike check coming soon.

I just got back from an eventful weekend down the coast with a good bunch of the lads from Canberra, it was Bdog from Backbone’s bucks party and we headed down to Wollongong for the night, shit got good to say the least, everyone woke up a little worse for wear. We managed to get a few little rides in between everyone being well liquored and the rain pissing down. Got my new whip together, actually that stoked on it! The new wasp hubs run like a treat, was flying around with out barely putting in a crank. Love the new set up. Was such a good weekend! Congrats to Bdog.

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Ryan Guettler video

So stoked to have this out, Ryan put in some solid work for this and it was a real pleasure to work with him on this. So much diversity.

Jourdan Instagram Slam

Jourdan‘s been smashing it on a TCU trip right now and the crew dropped this Instagram Slam today with some hammers throughout

Woodward West Shootout 2013

Next week you can check out the videos from the 2013 Woodward West shootout which we were involved in, everyone put in some solid work and had a blast so we can’t wait for the video to be released.


Zac Miner Backbone advert

This would have to be one of the craziest gap to rails around and I know Zac has eyed up a few things on it, Stoked to see him get this one ticked off. Props to Raine Turnbull on the photo aswell. The Backbone DVD is going to be nuts!

Click here now to read some behind the scenes info over on the 2020BMX Magazine site now.


Zac Miner update

So life gotten a bit crazy of late, got myself another restaurant job at Beach Burrito in the city, mad Mexican place thats blowin’ up, definitely worth checkin out! So I’ve been working there a bit which has taken over my weekends a but still getting out there on the pushy! I had Nick Gascoine out for a weekend, anyone that doesn’t know, he was a huge part of the content that got pumped throughout 2020 about 2 years ago, anyways it’s always good hanging out with my brother, just hittin the streets, unwaxed spots ha you know how we the nahyouritemate crew roll. Other then that the Backbone vid is getting shit happening, feels good to scare myself a little after filming for the Colony DVD, check out the Backbone ad in the next 2020 to see what’s up. While your at it check out Backbone site while you’re at it. They’ve always got the freshest Colony gear up in there! Other then that it’s just the same old Canberra. Talk to ya’s again soon .


Unscene History on this weekend

If you’re into BMX then you will want to get yourself along for this very special event. Show casing the deep history of BMX here in Brisbane, Australia from 1985-1995 this will be a treat to check out. Check here for more info now.


Yo yo !!

Brandon at Texas Toast

Brandon does one of the biggest tables in this video from Vital, Killin’ it brother.

Texas Toast – Street Finals – More BMX Videos

Jam Chowda

Mike has a dope first clip in this video from Jam Chowda. Besides the weather it looked like a real good time.

Unscene History almost here…

Ross D Lavender has been hard at work for a few years now on this exhibit he has planned & it’s almost here. October 26th & 27th are the dates for it all to be revealed & I for one cannot wait. If you have any interest in the history of freestyle BMX in Brisbane, Australia from 1985-1995 then get yourself there. Click here for full details now.

You will also get to see a very cool new Colony frame release at the exhibit which is set for release in the first half of 2014. Plus get to see throughout the weekend the Prody series of videos playing via DVD.


Yo yo !!

Brandon Van Dulken update

Brandon shot through an update with a lofty table photo. Follow him on Instagram (@brandonvandulken) as he is always posting up some epic photos of landscapes in Canada.

“I Took advantage of the few nice days left with a little weekend trip down to Portland to ride some amazing spots. Good people, good vibes. Really looking forward to Texas Toast! Mad hype.”


Day in the life with Alex & Ryan

I think this video really shows what these two are really like, they don’t take things too seriously and have a lot of fun doing so. Have a watch and enjoy your weekend.

Welcome to the team – Mike Brennan

We are stoked to announce that one of New Jersey’s finest, Mike Brennan is now riding for Colony. I’ve known Mike for a little while now and everytime we would talk I could tell more and more that he was on the same page as us and things just fell into place from there. Next minute we are sending some product and the rest is history. I look forward to hanging out with Mike some more and collecting footage for future Colony projects because we all know he goes hard! – Cooper.

A few months back Cooper had told me that Mike had expressed interest and good words about what we have going on at Colony. I was stoked to hear this for sure. It wasn’t until a few months later that we had the chance to meet up at Interbike and right away from that first meeting, I knew this was going to happen. Mike is a down to earth guy with the right out look on BMX and life in general. I am stoked to have him a part of the family and I look forward to the years ahead. – Clint Millar.



Marnold update

Marnold shot over an update of what’s happening for him right now…

“Sup everyone, not much happening down my way, I pulled 2 muscles in my back last Monday so I’m out of action on the bike for a while which sucks a lot but I gotta rest up to get better, so in the mean time I’ve just been hanging around working on my car and chilling out, recently brought a tattoo gun which is probably not the best idea I’ve had but who cares, gotta have fun some way or another!!”


Zac Miner update

Zac shot through an update from down in Canberra…

Hey y’all.. So not much has been happening at my end, the weather in Canberra has only just kinda come good. With all the shit weather we’ve had before spring we made the most of the climate and went up to the snow for two days for a friends birthday. Couldn’t wipe the smile off my face up an down the slops all day, ate shit a heap of times but had ball. I’ve been rolling around a little at some of the local little parks near my house, but I get my license back in two weeks so i’ll be definitely doing some trips once I get it back, not sure where but yet? Other then that I’ve just been Laying low passing the time.


Type 2 Detectives / Colony tee shirts out now

To celebrate the up coming release of some very special Colony / Type 2 Detectives complete bikes are some limited edition tee shirts. You can order your tees now on their site by clicking here now. Get to it though, as stocks are limited.

The Endeavour complete bikes will be out just before Xmas this year. All colour co-ordinated to match the special 1965 VW Type 3 Squareback Panel Van we built with the guys at Type 2 Detectives.


Yo yo !!

Marnold out in it.

With Troy Charlesworth in Melbourne, Marnold came out to film a few clips with him for the 2020 dvd. We came up on this spot which was such an amazing rail setup, for anyone that searches schools you would most likely come across dream rails at the end of school buildings with no run up, well on this occasion we just got lucky.



Only Bobbie…

Bobbie is probably the only person that could make this colourway work…




Marnold update

I met up with Marnold yesterday afternoon (as you would know if you are following Colony on Insta) at a local spot we’ve been building at over the past year or so and grabbed a few photos while we were at it. Spring is here so the goodtimes are rolling.




Guettler has been busy…

Ryan Guettler shot through an update on what he has been up too of late…

I’ve been very busy the last 2 months and have a huge month ahead of me. Over August I’ve done the Vans HB bowl comp, Colony Woodward week, Mongoose Woodward east comp and now just finished the Vans ECSC comp. I’ve been progressing and getting better results as the events have been going on. The Mongoose comp was really cool & we got good results in dirt with our team ending up getting 2nd place.

Then this past weekend I went to Norfolk VB to compete in the Vans ECSC comp and came home with 3rd place. Really happy how the comp went and against that field of riders I can’t complain.
Now I have a week off so I’ll be working on new tricks and filming a lot for upcoming videos. Then of to Mexico City for a big comp Sept 6th.



Yo yo !!
