Remember Nick Richardson? You might remember him from such signature Colony products as, the Bloody Oath Frame & Bars or the Gnar Kill Frame. Affectionately known as Richo, Nick has departed the BMX scene in recent years but still holds a place in our hearts & thoughts. I for one am stoked to see him doing what he is these days.
Read on below as to what Nick has been up too of late…
G’day guys,
It’s been a few years since anyone has seen or heard about me in the BMX industry, What have I been doing? Well… haha
Ever since I stopped riding BMX full time, I started studying Graphic Design. It was something that just really appealed to me. I liked the fact that it allows you to create something from nothing. Ever since I was younger I always wanted to start my own brand and by doing this course it gave me the skills to do so.
That brings me to fishing…
Fishing has always been a part of my life even when I rode BMX, but as I got into it more I discovered the more technical side to it. I got addicted to it and it pretty much became my life, everyday I was out on the water discovering new things and places.
So at the end of last year, I decided to start a clothing brand completely dedicated to the fishing industry. I didn’t want to be “just another clothing brand”, I wanted the brand to have meaning! What this brand is about is awareness, I want people to know how their actions affect the marine life above and below the water. For our new range our slogan is “Respect Our Waterways”. I want to push that as much as I can, to make people aware of what they are doing, I want my kids and their kids to be able to fish the same spots we do and catch the same fish!
I decide to name the brand “Tide Apparel” … To me this is more then just a clothing brand, it’s a movement.
Follow us on Instagram @tideapparel and Facebook
Or to shop, please go to the website 🙂 Thanks – Richo.

Yo yo !!