Hey guys just a little update to let you know what’s happening.
It’s been hard to give anyone news because to be quite honest, there hasn’t been any. So I’m going through physio weekly and have to keep doing that. I have an MRI scheduled for 3 months from now because believe it or not there is still too much edema in my knee. It’s a long process but I’m getting stronger by the day and am not letting it get me down too much.
Now to the good news. That news is that everyone’s favourite human (and my own personal hero) Bobbie Altiser has a split video coming out with myself next week. It’s not the same as our first one but the things he does on a bike are just absurd. I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen at least 5 of the tricks he does in it. So get excited for that.
The footage of myself was just stuff that I was able to film with the man Cooper while we had the chance for a month at the start of last summer. Still fun stuff though. Other than that I’m just keeping busy guys. Exercising my leg mainly. I’ll be back in no time. Just wanted to say thanks to Colony for having my back this whole time I’ve been injured. Really lifts my spirits and makes me want to get back faster.
Anyway, until next time, Peace!