
Stretton Archives - Colony BMX

Prody 8 – What Goes On premiere

23 years to the day after Prody 7 was premiered, it’s finally happened.

Featuring riders from all over the planet, it’s a video that will appeal to anyone that loves BMX from the ’80’s, ’90’s, 2000’s, 2010’s & to the current day.

A classic mix of mini ramp, park, flatland, dirt, vert & street riding.

Filmed & edited by Clint Millar.

“Prody 8 – What Goes On” will premiere on the big screen at the Elizabeth Picture Theatre, 175 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane City.

Tickets on sale now with only 130 seats available & as of right now, there are only 25 seats available.

Head to the Family Distribution site or the link here to grab your seat now.

Yo yo !!

Tom Stretton’s 2011 Colony DVD Part

Celebrating 10 years since the release of The Colony DVD, this week we’ve got the amazing and progressive section from the man! Tom Stretton.


LUX just posted the mixed section from their Aeterna DVD. Both Tom Stretton and Jack Kelly have clips in this so make sure you check it out.

Beenleigh Jam

Sunday the 27th of January will be a jam down at Beenleigh BMX park. Good times as always on such legendary stopping grounds.

Yo yo !!

Travel Life – Brisbane BTS Video

A few weeks back I spent a week in Brisbane filming with some of the guys. Whilst doing so I shot this behind the scenes video which I think gives you a pretty good insight into the time spent hanging out with the crew. Most of the time spent was with Josh Dove, Chris Courtney and Jayden Fuller but Tom. Clint and Alex all get a show in there as well.

Also check out the Jayden Fuller video that we dropped last week which we finished filming on this Brisbane trip.

Tom Stretton update

Sooooooo I have a new bike and it fucking rules. I’m still very cautious and shaky on it but I am loving just being able to roll around.

Again I can’t thank Clint and everyone at Colony enough for all the support for so long. Soon I will be riding with my people again….poorly….but I’ll be riding and I can’t freaking wait.

Just thought you guys should know. Check out my rig. This Versatil frame is seriously the tits. It feels incredible and looks even better.

Much love!



Tom Stretton update

Hey guys,

I’m still alive. Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve said anything. Shits been full on the last couple of months. Went to dream world but. That place is the tits. So I got a new job and I’ve been working flat out. My knee is still not good but I’m getting a proper knee brace real soon and I’ll be back on the bike. Other than that life has been fairly okay to me. I turn 30 in a week or so, so I’m ready for my retirement and have my village all set out to move in to haha.

Also next American Summer I’ll be heading out to Bobbie’s to pay a visit and I can’t frigging wait! Super excited to see one of the best humans alive and get to ride with him again. Until next time ( which will be a lot sooner haha )



Tom Stretton update

Hey guys,

Sorry it’s been so long since I last checked in. Things have been a bit strange lately.

So as you know I got out of surgery about 2 months ago now. I guess you could say that’s a good thing but it really has been such drama with my knee. I couldn’t have imagined the repercussions of what I thought was such a mediocre injury.

Things are still okay, i just find myself in a huge amount of pain for no reason at times and no doctor can pinpoint the exact reason it’s happening. My knee seems to pop and give way frequently.

That being said I am still working on it daily. Things are looking better slowly. It’s a huge process. I’m looking to be riding again hopefully by October but who knows.

On a lighter not I’m participating in “Dry July” which is a huge thing for me. Alcohol has sort of rules my life for too long now and what better way to better myself than by helping others with cancer in the process. F@#K CANCER. In case anyone feels the need to donate, click here.

Much love to everyone and I hope to be riding with you all again soon! Peace!

Tom Stretton update

Hey guys, Just letting you know what I’ve been up to…

At the moment I’m down the coast in New South Wales enjoying paradise while it buckets down in Brisbane. I’ve been doing heaps of hiking which is great for my knee and I’m slowly feeling a lot better.

To add to that I have finally joined a gym and physio is going great. I really am feeling stronger everyday. Surgery is still a possibility but I have another meeting with my specialist at the end of February to find out how I’ve progressed.

Can’t wait to ride again and can’t wait to have some sick sessions. I also can’t wait to see the footage the boys got from their recent Australia trip. Keen a keen eye out, they are fucking nuts!

Until next time, peace!


Tom Stretton update

Hey guys, It’s been a while but to be honest not much has changed. I’ve been to see my private orthopedic surgeon three times now and she has given me some good and not so good news.

Basically the main issue with my knee is there is a badly healed piece of bone on my tibia that is connected to the torn ACL still. Good news is if I can build up enough muscle and and the pain goes away then it’s likely I won’t even need surgery. However if the pain stays and it doesn’t get better by the new year then I will be going in the get the piece of bone ground off and a full knee reconstruction. See how we go.

For now I’m see a sports physician and I’m looking forward to building muscle in the places I need it.

Hope everyone is good. Follow me on Instagram, seeing as I’m not riding I’ve been chucking up old fun clips from past edits. Good memories for sure! @tom_stretton


Until next time. Peace!

Tom Stretton update

Hey guys just checking in.

So finally after all the nonsense going on with my knee injury, I have an appointment with a private orthopedic surgeon at the end of October. The knee itself has actually and unfortunately been getting worse over the last few weeks so this is what has led to getting a referral for someone in the private sector. Fingers crossed.

Other than that I have been trying to keep as active as physically possible. Loving the weather up in sunny and stormy Queensland.

If you haven’t seen our new edit, Bobbie Altiser and myself have a new edit and you should check it out even if you hate me because Bobbie makes it worth it haha. I can’t wait to jump on one of the new Colony Monash frames when I’m able, so damn sexy!

Also it’s my birthday on the 7th of this month so follow me on Instagram and send me presents hahah @tom_stretton

Until next time, Peace!

Tom Stretton X Bobbie Altiser video

The creative minds of both Tom Stretton and Bobbie Altiser are back with another split video. Tom recently broke his leg so we mixed in his most recent footage with some Bobbie Altiser wizard moves from his Australian trip earlier this year and the outcome is something special.

Tom Stretton update

Hey guys just a little update to let you know what’s happening.

It’s been hard to give anyone news because to be quite honest, there hasn’t been any. So I’m going through physio weekly and have to keep doing that. I have an MRI scheduled for 3 months from now because believe it or not there is still too much edema in my knee. It’s a long process but I’m getting stronger by the day and am not letting it get me down too much.

Now to the good news. That news is that everyone’s favourite human (and my own personal hero) Bobbie Altiser has a split video coming out with myself next week. It’s not the same as our first one but the things he does on a bike are just absurd. I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen at least 5 of the tricks he does in it. So get excited for that.

The footage of myself was just stuff that I was able to film with the man Cooper while we had the chance for a month at the start of last summer. Still fun stuff though. Other than that I’m just keeping busy guys. Exercising my leg mainly. I’ll be back in no time. Just wanted to say thanks to Colony for having my back this whole time I’ve been injured. Really lifts my spirits and makes me want to get back faster.

Anyway, until next time, Peace!


Tom Stretton update

Hey guys. Just a little update to tell you what’s going on.

So I kind of received good news and bad news on my leg. The good news is that I got my brace off and was allowed to start weight bearing over the next 5 weeks with no crutches at all starting from next week. Apparently the bone hasn’t displaced and has been healing correctly which is good. I have physio over those 5 weeks which really hurts but is apparently making my leg better or I will end up with a bent leg forever.

The bad news is my ACL is about 75 percent screwed. But my PCL is fine. After I finish off this 5 weeks of physio I go back in for an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon to tell me my progress and get his thoughts on where to go from there. It’s most likely that after that I will be getting surgery on my ligaments because at this stage they still don’t want to operate on an “angry” knee, as they put it.

It’s pretty frustrating and my leg almost doesn’t feel like it’s mine anymore but I’ll get there I guess. I just have to be careful over the next month or so. I just can’t wait to get to the spillway and start throwing downwhips on this old thing again.

Also I just wanted to say Rest In Peace to Glen Salyers. I didn’t know the guy personally but it’s never a good thing to hear about losing part of the BMX community, and from what I have heard, he seemed like such a great human being. My thoughts go out to his girlfriend, friends and family. RIP Glenn.

Until next time guys,

ACT Jam Instagram Slam

Tom has a few clips in this Instagram Slam from TCU that the guys filmed during the Canberra Jam a few weeks back…

Tom Stretton update

Hey guys

I’m writing this update from a doctors surgery. It’s basically where I’ve been spending most of my time lately other than bed. 3 weeks ago in Canberra I came off in something stupid and small and hurt my leg. At the time I wasn’t sure wether it was bad or not so I hung around for a bit and sauced it up with the best crew so I could see the Backbone Video premiere. (which you should all go out and get as soon as humanly possible!) Thanks to Colony, Clint, Rhysty and Backbone for such an incredible weekend.

Apparently I have destroyed my tibial plateau (shattered into little pieces) and fractured my tibia, along with destroying my ACL and possible damage to my PCL. They wanted to operate on my leg asap but apparently it was so fidgety that it would have done more damage than good. So at this stage I’m waiting for my MRI next week and then an appointment with some important orthopedic dude to make a plan for the best outcome. I won’t know the extent of my ligaments until after the MRI obviously but they have already said I’ll most likely need a knee reco.

At the moment I’m just trying to stay positive and really looking forward to finally having a plan for all this. I can’t walk for 6-12 weeks so that’s a bummer, but I’m at my parents recovering and Carolyn Stretton is a god damn SAINT! Hahah, thanks mum.

As soon as I know what the go is I’ll try and put an update up to let people know what’s happening. It may be a long while until I’m riding again but shit happens and I fucking love my bike. Just glad I’m not Pete Radivo and don’t do this every other weekend haha. Love ya Pete.

Until next time. Peace!



Riding photo: LC

Canberra trip Flipbook

With the biggest jam of the year going down in Canberra we knew we had to make the trip out with a good chunk of the crew. The following is a collection of images from the cold days we spent in the capital territory…

Thanks to LC for the additional photos.

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Both Tom and Polly have images from this recent Photodump feature over on the Focalpoint website. You can check the photos out right here.


Yo yo !!


Tom and Ricky both have some wild moves in this D.I.Y jam video from the EC guys down in South Australia…

Tom Stretton on the road…

Hey guys,

Just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I’m heading up north to Sydney for a week over the Easter break. I’ll be traveling for a few days from Melbourne riding around and then riding around parks in Sydney and the outer suburbs. After that it’s onto Canberra to catch up with friends and ride some parks.

If you see me, don’t be shy and come say hello and have a ride. I’ll be tripping solo so company for a ride is always awesome.

Can’t wait to catch up and have some good sessions!




Tom Stretton checks in…

Read on below for what Tom Stretton has been up too…

Hey guys just letting you all know what I’ve been up to.

Lately I’ve been working a bunch and riding when I can. Loving it so much down here in Melbourne. Everyone is sweet and I’m having the best time.

Last weekend I went to the Eat Children Crew DIY spot, jam. It was a blast. The Adelaide crew is seriously one of the sickest scenes around and I thank them so much for their hospitality and hard work on that ghetto set up. #fuckmurraybridgecouncil

This weekend there was Sam Tormey’s jam out at Morwell. Sam is a young local down here who has been battling a rare type of Bone Cancer. It’s such a shit thing but it was great to see all the riders that came out and showed support. It was also great to see you and say g’day Sam. Hope you had a ripper day brother. f#ckcancer

Also, I just got a new frame in the mail and I’d like to thank boss man Millar as always. I continued by taking paint stripper to it immediately and then to the rest of my bike hahaha. I love it. Let me know what you guys think.





The ECC Jam in Adelaide went down last weekend and from the photos I’ve been seeing it looked like a blast. Thanks to Dave Rubinich we have a couple photos of Ricky and Tom from the day…




Clint Millar’s 40th birthday weekend

Last July was my 40th birthday & I wanted to do something special for it. So we headed over to Stradebroke Island just off the coast of Brisbane for a few days. There are a few cool parks over there & an old bowl that I hadn’t ridden for at least 20 years. The weather was amazing & it was a great way to see my 40th birthday in with great mates & family. I couldn’t ask for a better day, thanks to all that came over.

A little late but better than never, here is the video from the day. Thanks again to all those that came over, rode, hung out & partied the day/night away.

Thanks to Jesse Breen & Glen McLaughlin for filming & Cooper Brownlee for editing.

On the Road – Victoria

Here is the final raw video from our recent trip. Thanks to all the shops and crew that came out for a roll, we had a blast…

On the Road – ACT

Here is part 3 of our recent trip down the east coast. A sort of behind the scenes look into the 2 days of the trip throughout the ACT, hanging out at Backbone BMX (and Yass).

Riders featured: Chris Courtenay, Bobbie Altiser, Zac Miner, Tom Stretton, Clint Millar, Ricky Cantanzariti and Luke Parker.

Tom Stretton update

Hey guys, just a quick update on what I’m up to.

I recently moved down to Melbourne and in with another Colony rider you all know, Polly. First of all i’d like to say thank you to him because he really has stuck his neck out for me in ways i’d never expect anyone to. much love brother.

It’s been quite a busy time with work and then traveling on the “Have Fun, Ride Bikes” trip. Honestly one of the best trips I’ve been on. Always a treat to spend time with Bobbie Altiser and watch the absolute nonsense that he is capable of on the bike. Big thanks to Millar and Cooper for their hard work, the guys on the trip for being amazing and ever single person that came out to ride with us. What a blast.

Realistically though, I’m just thoroughly enjoying the change and being back on my bike. My ankle is feeling good and since being in Melbourne it’s been a lot easier to film with the main man Cooper Brownlee. Can’t wait to get another edit out for you guys to judge on various social media sites hahaha. Much love.




On the Road – NSW

Part 2 of the trip from a video perspective. We spent 3 days travelling south through New South Wales and this video is packed full of riding footage and some good times we had along the way…

On the Road – Brisbane

As you would have seen if you follow us on Instagram, we are currently doing a 2 week trip between Brisbane and Melbourne hitting up a bunch of parks, shops and anything else along the way with some of the crew.

Here is a sort of behind the scenes look into the first 5 days of the trip along with some clips we didn’t keep for other projects.

Riders featured: Chris Courtenay, Bobbie Altiser, Zac Miner, Tom Stretton, Clint Millar, Ricky Cantanzariti, Polly, Dean Anderson, Keith Treanor and Luke Parker.

If you are in Sydney today, head out to the Bass Hill park around 3pm for a session…

COLONY jan 2015 tour flyer bass hill

Happy New Year

From all of us at Colony we would like to thank you for all of the support and good times in 2014. I gathered some of my favourite shots from the year for a bit of a recap… Let’s do it all again this year!
















Filming days

Caught up with Tom and Luke earlier this week and one of the spots we hit with the guys they were really into it and some moves went down. Here are a few photos from the session…



