
Flow Team Archives - Page 37 of 43 - Colony BMX

Straight out of the burbs of Paris…

Le Goff ‘Libellule’ Guillaume one of our flow riders from France, put in some work recently with this really well put together edit produced by Hadrian Picard. It’s well worth checking out. You can also click here now to check out a little interview with Libellule on the video. Thanks to the guys at Unleaded for the hook up.

Yo yo !!

Broc Raiford – Lights out edit.

Thanks to Andrew Sanford for filming and editing this cool edit of Broc at their local indoor park. The guys lit up certain areas with flood lights and seemed to have fun doing it. Feeble to 270 footjam was rad.

Tom Stretton’s new setup.

Tom set up a new bike recently so we snapped a photo of it, looks pretty rad if you asked me! If you never saw it or what another look at it check Tom’s Colony edit from a couple months ago here, edited by John Young.


Know the team – Paddy Gross.

Paddy rides for Colony over in Germany, if you would like to learn a little bit more about the man, check out the quick Q&A below…


What are you up to today?

I’ve been riding  a demo at a kids festival in Hamburg/Germany.

Tell us something about yourself people probably don’t know…

I believe in god but I am not religious at all, it’s just between me & him. it’s cool to send a little prayer everyday to say thanks or if he could have an eye on my friends and loved ones and keep everyone save.

What’s the weather like there at the moment in Germany?

Spring is here and just told us that summer is on its way by spoiling us with lots of sunshine.

Any plans to travel any time soon?

I am working a lot to save up to visit Australia by the end of this year. I haven’t been there yet and I can’t wait to see the country and see the Colony family.

If someone asked you why they should come visit Germany what would you tell them?

There’s lots of history, beautiful girls, unique spots to ride and because Germany is a small country you’re able to visit another country in no time.

Broc wins again…

Our flow shredder in the USA, Broc Raiford recently won a comp at his local park in Louisiana. You can click here for a full report over on the Ride BMX site. Congrats Broc  & thanks for repping Colony mate !!


Yo yo !!

Know the team – Chris Courtenay.

Chris was recently added to the flow team, then proceeded to bang out this rediculous wed edit. Read on for a little insight into his world.


What are you up to today?

Well its a nice sunny sunday so perfect! im gonna go riding with Troy Charlesworth and Nitai and hopefully get some photos and clips for a lil something we’ve been working on!

Have you always lived in Queensland?

Yeah I was born in Mackay then moved to Brisbane!

I would say you are more known for your park riding but lately it seems you have been riding a bunch of street, what has been the motivation behind that?

I guess it was just something that I really didnt ride much and just started playing around with skatepark street sections! I find it alot of fun going out and trying to find something cool to ride but yeah, I do love riding skateparks.

Tell us something about yourself people probably don’t know…

My family has a sweet beach house on a island haha!

You went to the states last year to ride, what was your best memory from that trip?

Probably a road trip to Orlando, Florida I did with two friends, Brandon Cristie and Josh Perry! Just was a real fun trip got to ride a fair bit and got a sweet hook up into Disney World which was amazing!

Any plans to travel overseas again this year?

I’m heading off to China for the Asian X Games at the end of May then back over to America for a few months! It’s coming up soon so getting pretty excited!

The barn…

Jonny Devine sent us over this rad edit from a bunch of sessions the boys have had in his private barn set-up this past winter over in the UK. Things like this get me motivated for the winter months ahead.

Why not…

… re-post Chris Courtenay’s amazing welcome to the team edit? It’s just so good !!

Yo yo !!

Broc Raiford.

Broc Raiford won the Jomopro Expert class the other day, here is a video of his runs, He hits the roof on a tuck air which is wild. Park looks rad also! Congrats Broc.


Random photo of Marnold that we shot the other night hitting up a shopping centre carpark due to the lack of daylight these days.


JomoPro finals results…

Our boys over in the USA at the JomoPro this weekend just gone did really well with Shintaro Misawa getting 3rd in pro flatland & Broc Raiford taking out the win in expert park. Well done guys !! You can read all about it over on the Ride site by clicking here now.




Yo yo !!

JomoPro qualifying results…

Over in the states at the JomoPro comp this weekend, our team riders Shintaro Misawa & Broc Raiford have both made it into the finals for their respective classes. Shintaro is the the pro flatland finals with a strong 4th place & Broc qualified in 1st in the expert park event. Well done guys & good luck in the finals.


Yo yo !!


Cooper, Liam & Marnold got some clips in a new Focalpoint advert… check it out below.

Yo yo !!

Valvo & his fresh new park

Valvo sent us over a couple photos from a new park that has opened up in Brazil near his house, looks awesome fun! I wish they would build one like this near me.



On the road again…

We’re on the road again heading our way down from Brisbane to Sydney then Canberra & some of guys making their way back down to Melbourne. On the road we have Liam Fahy-Hampton, Mick Bayzand, Alex Hiam, Nick Richardson, Tom Stretton, Chris Courtenay, Cooper Brownlee & myself. We have also got Stewart Munro along to capture the video moments.

Come along to the Above All grand opening on Saturday too… should be a blast. Click here for all the details.



Yo yo !!

Ramp Attak…

We went out the other night and hit up the new indoor park up here in Brisbane, Ramp Attak which was a bit of fun, Alex Hiam and Chris Courtenay seemed to enjoy it…



Know the Team – Marnold

Marnold is next on the list for a quick Q&A, he is from Melbourne Australia and grinds alot…



What are you up to today Marnold?

Finished work, having a beer then getting ready to roll with coops later.

Tell us something about yourself people probably don’t know…
I have four sisters no brothers.

What is it like living in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne in Australia?

It’s the bomb I love living in the eastern suburbs just alot nicer and close to everything for me.

What do you do for a job?

I’m a 4th year metal fabricator (tig welder)

You have been known to enjoy the odd grind or two, what grind are you pumped on doing lately?

Crooks and smiths are the best and latley x pegs been trying to get them dialed soo hard though!

What is the largest t-shirt you own?

It’s a 4xl tall tee that Josh mete brought back from America awhile ago and its got like cards dollar signs rims and that kinda shit on it. WAY to big for riding so it just chills.

Michal Mycek bike check

Our flow rider Michal Mycek from Poland has a nice bike check over on Loked Bmx , there are a bunch of nice photos so be sure to check it out!


Chris Courtenay welcome edit…

Chris gets himself initiated on the team with his first edit for Colony. Quite the CCC show indeed with him putting some work in on this one. It came out really well with bombs being dropped left, right & centre. Stoked to have you on the team mate !! It won’t take long for Chris to get promoted to the pro team at this rate. Filmed & edited by Big Salad, thanks son !! Oh, look out for the special guest appearance by Alex Hiam as well.

Yo yo !!

Valvoline interview…

Valvoline has an interview over on the Beta BMX site from Brazil & you can check it out by clicking here now. It is all in portuguese though, so better brush up on your language skills. Still worth checking out.


Yo yo !!

Paddy Gross on Woozy site

Paddy Gross scored the photo of the day over on the Woozy site. Click here to check it out.

Yo yo !!

Know the Team – Jonny Devine.

Jonny Devine is our team rider for the UK, read on to learn a little more about him….


What are you up to today?

Today im going on a trip to Scotland with 15 of my mates for the weekend! Gonna be mint! get out of Preston for a bit.

Tell us something about yourself people probably don’t know…

I dont know, I hate spiders!

It tends to rain a lot over there? How do you survive the winter months?

haha I only just manage! Fortunately there are alot of indoor skateparks within an hour from were I live and I have built some ramps in my grandads barn! Hopefully there wil be an edit from there soon!

What do you do for a job?

I’m a bike mechanic at Leisure Lakes Bikes but will hopefully soon be an arborist!

You have an interview coming up in RideUk soon, I bet you are stoked to see how it comes out, what was it like shooting for that?

Yeah I’m quite nervous to see how it comes out should be funny! shooting for it was awesome as one of my best riding companions (the world famous Northern John) shot all the pictures for it. I love shooting with John because nothing is rushed and its always really chilled it was more like just shooting some pictures in a session! and his pictures always turn out awesome!

Oleg Alexandrov’s new bike…

Oleg Alexandrov is our team rider from Russia and he just set up a brand new bike! Looks real nice with the colour combo he has used, here is a list of the Colony parts he is running….

Frame: Teddy 21″.

Forks: Phantom.

Cranks: Colonial V2.

Grips: LFH.

Pedals: Fantastic Plastic.

Hubs: Clone.

Seat, headset and bottom bracket.



Chris Courtenay’s new ride…

Chris Courtenay has his new bike together & has been ripping on it straight away. Check out his Teddy set up below… word.


Yo yo !!

Pete Radivo goodness…

Here is some almost ancient Pete Radivo footage from around 9 years ago. Edited by his brother Dao Radivo back in the day & now released for all to see. Some really good stuff in there for sure. Can’t wait till Pete gets back on the bike after his recent knee surgery… won’t be long now.



Yo yo !!

Bruno Faucon video

Bruno Faucon dropped this nice video from a trip to New York & New Jersey a few months ago & it’s well worth checking out. Enjoy.

Yo yo !!

Henrique web video and bike check!

Henrique Castro sent us over this edit from his local park, it is well filmed and edited. I wish we had an undercover park like that down here in Melbourne right now. You can also check out a nice bike check of his new Colony setup here.

Welcome to the team…

Chris Courtenay !! I have been watching his riding progress the past 18 months or so & always wanted to offer him a spot on the team. Well that time has finally come & Chris will now join the flow team for starters & I am sure it won’t be long before Chris is rewarded for his efforts. Welcome aboard mate & I look forward to the years ahead.

Chris is shown below picking up his new ride… Teddy frame packed full of our 2010 parts ranges. Can’t wait to see him skying aboard a Colony.


Yo yo !!

Oskars Zajarskis Fat Favs…

Oskars has his own Fat Favs over on the Fat BMX website. Click here to check it out !!

Yo yo !!

Michal Mycek video…

Our flow rider from Poland – Michal Mycek, had this video put together from clips collected from 2009 & this year so far. Enjoy !!

Yo yo !!
