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Nathan Sykes update

Another great month of riding and living in sunny California. Been a busy month doing shows with Team Soil. Did my first show where I had to drive the truck and trailer and run sound and announce. Was pretty crazy to do the whole thing, but was such a fun time getting the crowd hyped!

The weather has been nice and warm this last month. Seeing the 90’s every day in my area. So morning seshes and evenings have been much better to try to beat the heat. Been getting a few days down at Bundy which has been nice because I haven’t riding those trails in almost 2 years.

Also my Locals Only X Colony seat is out! Stoked on how it turned out and hope everyone that picks one up enjoys it too.




Nathan Dans cover

Nathan Sykes scored the latest Dans Comp catalogue cover along with a mini interview within the catalogue. Be sure to check it all out…


Print Advert – Nathan Sykes

Below is the print advert from the latest RIDE BMX magazine. Featuring Nathan Sykes carving around a pool we rode back in Feb. I had to borrow Matt Cordova’s camera for this one so that we could sit the camera in the middle of the pool and shoot it from outside the pool as I didn’t have the cord for my camera. It took a few shots to get the timing right and to fit the entire shape of the pool in the image but I am stoked on how it came out and that we ended up using it for an advert. Go get yourself a copy of the mag and check it all out.

More info about the Wasp Hubs right here


Nathan Sykes update

It’s been a great month! Weather in California was a bit cool for a few weeks so that was a really nice to have treat! Been getting Wednesday sessions at Pala and a few days out riding pools. Been filming a bit and busy with Locals Only.

Bought a new motorcycle that I’m really excited about! 04′ Honda Shadow that I’m doing a bobber project with. Been a big learning curve. But so much fun building this with my hands. Can’t wait to cruise it to the trails with my bike on the back! Going to be a fun summer ahead!




Sunset sessions with Nathan Sykes

Nathan Sykes and friend Matt Cordova had the idea of creating a quarter pipe and taking it up onto a mountain not far from their place. Ride BMX posted a video and a bunch of photos from the session which you can check here…


Nathan Sykes update

Hey guys! It’s been an up an down month for me! Dropped my welcome to Pro team edit which I was very stoked and thankful for! Lot of hard work and time in that and to be able to have such a nice finished product is the icing on the cake! Cooper put in so much time and energy on it and I can’t thank him enough.

My Locals Only x Colony seat is coming together amazing too. Clint sent over the sample and was able to throw it on my bike! Can’t wait to have these released. Turned out better than I could have imagined.

My parents drove down from Oregon for a week and was able to spend a full week with them around California. They both were sick and unfortunately got me sick too. I have been battling with that the last week and a half trying to get healthy. It hit me pretty hard! Hopefully be back to 100% by the end of this week. Health is one of those things we always take for granted, it’s something that we don’t think about much but when your body decides to shut down and try to fight some sort of infection it really sucks! Stay healthy and stay happy!




Nathan’s local

Nathan sent us through a few shots from the local dirt quarter he built up a while back. He recently cleaned it up and roasted a few moves out of it. Thanks to Matt Cordova for the images…




And incase you missed his new video that dropped last week…

Pool sessions

Nathan and myself have some images on DIG from the pool missions we did whilst I was in California recently, hit the link to see the gallery.


Nathan Sykes update

Hey guys,

Just wanted to check in on what has been going down the last month. Cooper was over in the states with Polly and we did a really fun trip to Fresno. Had a blast doing a Jam at the Fresno park with a good solid amount of locals showing up. Threw out some Colony, Division Brand and Locals Only product. I definitely get a little crazy when it comes to product tosses! ( Hahaha ) The last week Cooper was in the states we went on crazy pool missions and started an IG official pool crew! The SBPBOYS! Also finished filming for a new Colony edit that I’m very excited about and should be dropping in the next month. Did a fun project with my best friend and room mate Matt Cordova that I’m super stoked on too! Lots going on always and more to come in the next months!




California update

We’ve been out on some great missions this past week, here are a few photos from the days out…




coop tooth pool cali

Nathan Sykes update

February has been a good month! Back on the bike and getting back into the flow of things. Shoulder is starting to feel a lot better. Still not fully healed but good enough to be back riding, which I’m im super excited about. Doctor said it could take a few more months for it to be 100% Also just worked out a order with Dans Comp for some Locals Only clothing. Really excited to be working with them and to see how things go!



More from California…

Today was another really fun day, we rode some fun unique spots and had a blast doing so…



Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset




Hot Springs

Polly and I landed in California yesterday with the plan of making the most of everyday we are here. So we met up with Nathan and his good friend Matt Cordova along with Jourdan and we trekked down to the Palm Springs area, this place has some fun parks which we spent the entire day hitting up and enjoying the nice weather.

Here are a few shots from the day…




Nathan Sykes update

This last month has been a good month despite not being able to ride. January 2nd when I was in Oregon I crashed on my last day of the trip home to see my family. Tore my labrum in my shoulder. Doctor said take about 4 weeks to let it rest and then start physical therapy on it. So I just started doing all the stretches an it’s starting to head in the right direction. I think another week or so and I should be back on the bike at 100%. So this last month to keep myself busy and productive I started painting again. Which has been great. Working and growing Locals Only As usual. Just launched a new website which I’m pretty excited about. Can’t wait for the Colony X Locals Only pivotal seat do drop in the coming months. Lots of good things happening just need my shoulder to heal up so I can get back to doing what I love! – Nathan.




Nathan Sykes bike check

Nathan sent through some rad looking shots of his current ride after having his bike stolen back in September. Nathan rocks the 2015 21″ Burna frame, Dagger Forks, Square Back stem, V2 Colonial cranks, Fantastic Plastic pedals, Wasp rear wheel, Clone front wheel, Fat Shield seat, Pivotal post and Talon bars.








Step Brothers

Nathan Sykes roasts it hard along with his good friend Matt Cordova in this video for there clothing sponsor 100%. Bowl dogging’ at its finest…

Nathan Sykes, Ditch Daze

A few real nice shots of Nathan shot by Matt Cordova who recently got a fresh new camera set-up. Cranked turndown!

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photo 2

Nathan Sykes in Mexico

Nathan just got back from a 5 day trip doing shows in Mexico and Indiana, no doubt it was a crazy time. Here are a few photos Nathan sent through…




Nathan Sykes bike check

Over on Vital BMX they have a bike check with Nathan Sykes & his new 2015 Burna Frame. Sadly though, the bike you see there was stolen at Interbike but we’ve got him rolling again on the same set up. Check it by clicking here now.

On a side note: Nathan is on a trip with Bobbie Altiser, Chris Bracamonte & Cooper Brownlee in Utah. So if you see them, say g’day !!


Yo yo !!

Nathan Sykes

I hung out with Nathan earlier this week and although it was stupid hot we had a blast and got some photos taken care of. Unfortunately the brand new bike Nathan is riding in these shots was stolen at Interbike but Nathan will be back rolling in no time.

nathan-1ft-euro-sil-trails-LR nathan-360-trails-LR nathan-lo2-LR

Nathan Sykes in BMX Plus

Nathan scored a real nice shot in the September issue of BMX Plus. Banging 360 turndown at FOD.


Nathan @ FOD trails

Matt Cordova came through on a couple evening shots of Nathan hitting the FOD trails earlier this week…



Nathan Sykes and Locals Only.

DIY is something I am passionate about so when I see Nathan doing good things with Locals Only and then find out how much of it he is doing himself it only gets you more stoked on the brand. Dylan Pfohl put together this insight video into Locals Only which is a real good watch for all…

Vert session

Our main man running the show for us in the states Keith Treanor, has been killing it in the office & on the bike of late. Somehow he finds time to get in plenty of sessions on a regular basis, including this backyard vert one with some legends. Here are a few words from the man himself…

Here’s a couple pics of Nathan Sykes riding Xavier Mendez’s vert ramp today shot by Randy Lawrence, the kid has some vert skills. Also attached is a sweet group pic mixing old & new school dudes like Brian Blyther, Nathan, Xavier Mendez, Andy Shohara, Randy Lawrence, Ben Snowden, Austin Coleman, Paul Nolan & Robert Castillo. Nathan also snapped a pic of my old ass! – Keith





Yo yo !!

Nathan Sykes update

Hey guys, I just spent the last week doing Photo VIP at Woodward. Had a blast shooting photos for them and hanging out with kids and riding. Larry, Victor and I had a room together and had way too much fun. I also shot this photo of Victor.

Thanks to Larry Edgar for the photos of Nathan.






Nathan Sykes video

A couple months ago we announced that we had added Nathan Sykes to the team. Well today we are stoked to release his welcome to the team video. Nathan has some serious style and a good head on his shoulders. More from Nathan in the future no doubt but for now enjoy this video…

Thanks to Matt Cordova for helping out on this project.

Nathan @ Woodward West

Fat Tony shot this rather large roast from Nathan that we just had to share!


Welcome to the team – Nathan Sykes

We’re very stoked to announce a new comer to the team with Nathan Sykes who has just moved to California in recent months abut already finding himself very much at home. Be on the look out for plenty more from Nathan & his awesome style to come. Nathan also runs his own clothing line under the name Locals Only. Check it out.

Welcome to the team mate, it’s great to have you a part of it all now. Good times ahead no doubt.

Here is a little bike check with his new 2014 Teddy frame set up…

Frame : Colony – 2014 Teddy Frame – 21” TT
Fork : Colony – Dagger Forks – Chrome
Bars : Colony – Talon Bars – Chrome
Stem : Colony – Squareback Stem – Polished
Headset : Colony – Polished
Grips : Colony – Much Room Grips – Bloody Black
Pedals : Colony – Fantastic Plastic – Black/Gold
BB : Colony – 19mm – Polished

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photo 1



Thanks to Matt Cordova for the shots.

Yo yo !!
