
Archive Of keith treanor Archives - Colony BMX

Build your own fun.

Bracamonte put together this video of Nathan Sykes, Keith and some of the local crew making something special to ride and then enjoying the fruits of their labour. Check it out…

There is also a cool photo gallery over on RIDE from the mission.

Keith Treanor Podcast

Keith has a great podcast interview up on the DIG website via Snakebike BMX. Keith has had a pretty wild life, some of which he reminisces on in this interview…


Clint & Keith Bike checks

Pop over to the Snake Bite website to check bike checks/interviews with both Clint and Keith. Both the guys are on some interesting setups. Check them here





Pool sessions with Treanor

Yesterday morning we hit up a pool with Keith before it got too hot. Keith was on fire…


More from California…

Today was another really fun day, we rode some fun unique spots and had a blast doing so…



Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset




Keith Treanor interview

Our good friend and the guy to see when it comes to our product in the USA, Keith Treanor has an interview up on the FL-BMX website which is also stacked with some good shots of the main man still killing it at the age of 43. It’s people like Keith that keep my motivation strong for BMX.


Vert session

Our main man running the show for us in the states Keith Treanor, has been killing it in the office & on the bike of late. Somehow he finds time to get in plenty of sessions on a regular basis, including this backyard vert one with some legends. Here are a few words from the man himself…

Here’s a couple pics of Nathan Sykes riding Xavier Mendez’s vert ramp today shot by Randy Lawrence, the kid has some vert skills. Also attached is a sweet group pic mixing old & new school dudes like Brian Blyther, Nathan, Xavier Mendez, Andy Shohara, Randy Lawrence, Ben Snowden, Austin Coleman, Paul Nolan & Robert Castillo. Nathan also snapped a pic of my old ass! – Keith





Yo yo !!
