
Millar Archives - Page 5 of 8 - Colony BMX

Colony UK tour 2012!

We are very excited to be heading over the the United Kingdom for a week! Myself, Ryan Guettler, Chris Courtenay and Clint Millar will be over there hitting up some shops and riding parks along with Anton McGuirk, Sam Davies-Bate and Liam Vance. Thanks to Tabletop for helping out with the trip. Make sure you get out and come say hi at one of the stops or if you see us at your local park. We also want to get everyone involved so if you use Instagram, take some photos whilst you are out and about with us and #colonybmxuk so we can see them all. No doubt we will have plenty of giveaways for riders along the way aswell.

Out & about…

On the weekend just gone Dean Anderson was in town so Nuke, Tom Stretton & myself met up for a roll at Woodridge skatepark. Here are a few pics from the session, good times.

Yo yo !!

California Vital video

Whilst we were in California a few weeks back now, we spent a few days riding and hanging out with Vital BMX filmer Ryan Galvan. He was super cool and we had a ball filming with him. Here is part 1 of the footage we filmed…

Colony’s California Vacation Part 1 – More BMX Videos

Coppin’ It Sweet mannn…

Nuke & Millar were out filming on the weekend for the upcoming DVD from Stewart Munro – Coppin’ It Sweet. That rail that Nuke is doing a crooked on, is his first ever crooked grind. Not bad for a kid who only learnt to pedal a bike a short two years ago. Damn kids.


Calling the shots!

We had a ball filming this at Chino park the other night. Thanks to Chris Long for filming this. The last clip was filmed literally 1 minute before the lights went out in the park. More videos from Network A here.

Off to the states…

Tom Stretton, Peta Shepherd & myself are off to the states this morning. Quick little photo at the Qantas Club waiting to go… yeah!

Yo yo !!

Colony team in the USA…

Today Tom Stretton, Cooper Brownlee, Peta Shepherd & myself are off to the USA to ride. A few days later Chris Courtenay & Alex Hiam will be meeting us in Cali as well where we will ride around & stay with Ryan Guettler.

Then the week of June 3rd till June 9th, we will all travel to Woodward West along with Jourdan Barba, Bobbie Altiser, Paddy Gross & Brandon Van Dulken. We will be at Woodward West to ride with the campers & film for an edit or two. If you’re lucky enough to be staying at Woodward West that week (week 1 of camp), make sure you come up & say hi to us all.

Yo yo !!

Holiday time…

I recently went on my first tropical island holiday for a week. Matamonoa, Fiji was the destination & it was amazing. We stayed on a small island off the coast & did nothing but snorkel, swim, play ping pong & tennis, kayak, go fishing, eat, sleep & drink. It was perfect. I had been wanting to do something like this for years & finally got around to doing it. We even got to visit the island where the film, Castaway was filmed starring Tom Hanks. Here a couple pics from the week over there.

Yo yo !!

Sydney to Bathurst & beyond…

It’s been a pretty good few days of driving around hitting up various parks between Sydney & Bathurst. We’ve hit up Macquarie Fields, Penrith, Lawson, Lithgow, Millthorpe & Manildra. It’s been really good so far with great weather & some good times along the way.

We rode the park in Manildra today & it was a blast. Check it out below. More from the road soon as we are at Newtons Nation now for the next few days.

Yo yo !!

New website… We Have Motive…

There is a new website headed by Keith Treanor that has just launched called, We Have Motive. Check it out here now & boss man Millar has an interview up on there. Part #1 with more to come soon. Check it out.

Yo yo !!

Off to Sydney today…

Chris Courtenay, Tom Stretton, Peta Shepherd & myself are off to Sydney for 5 days to ride & film. Tom will be staying in Sydney & meeting up with Zac Miner while the rest of us including Ryan Guettler will be travelling out to Bathurst for the weekend. Should be good times.

Wallpaper: Clint Millar

Clint Millar, nose pick in some Brisbane drains. Download it here for standard screen resolution or here for widescreen.

Roadtrip to Newtons…

We have a road trip planned for this week starting in Sydney.

Chris Courtenay, Peta Shepherd, Tom Stretton & myself will meet up with Ryan Guettler in Sydney on Wednesday then ride some of Sydney’s parks on offer. Thursday we will ride a bunch of parks on our way out to Bathurst for Newtons Nation on the weekend. Should be a good few days & the comp at Newtons should be really good as well. Reports from the road no doubt, so check back through out the week.

Yo yo !!

Newtons Nation…

Ryan Guettler, Chris Courtenay, Peta Shepherd & myself are all booked & heading down to Bathurst for this years Newtons Nation event to be held April 27-29th. Should be a good weekend with dirt & mini ramp comps happening. You can get info to enter & buy tickets to watch by checking their website at

Yo yo !!

Alex and Clint Ten Clips

Alex and Clint teamed up to film a split ten clips at Woodridge park, enjoy.

An oldie but a goodie…

The Selftitled DVD was released in 2006 & features O.G. Colony team riders, Ryan Guettler, Nick Richardson, Kenny Raggett, Haimona Ngata, Pete Radivo & myself along with a large crew of riders.

It took us 3 years to film for this & it took me 9 months of editing. Crazy thing is after 9 months of editing, my hard drive crashed & we nearly lost the whole damn thing. After an epic 12 hour straight drive from Brisbane to Sydney, had Matt Holmes save the day with his Mac savvy knowledge. Thanks Matt !!

This one for me, is full some amazing memories & a chapter in my life that I will never forget. Good times for sure.

Yo yo !!

Vans / Colony Adelaide trip video

Back in early December of last year, we spent five days in Adelaide, South Australia riding a bunch of spots along with a few parks with the locals and this is the end result.

This was all to promote the up coming Vans / Colony shoe collaboration collection being released worldwide, in March this year.

Filmed by: Clint Millar, Cooper Brownlee, Ryan Guettler, Mick Bayzand, Tom Stretton and Zac Miner.

Edited by Cooper Brownlee.

2011 almost behind us all…

I had a good chilled ride with some long time mates at Fairfield park yesterday. What a good way to end out the year & what a mammoth year 2011 has been as well. Seems to have gone so fast with so much stuff happening along the way.

Thanks to everyone that has supported us over the past year, we do appreciate it. Looking forward to a great 2012 ahead & more good times on our bikes that we all love. Happy new year everyone !!

Photo by Jesse Griffin-Breen

iPhone sequence by Michael Canfield.

Yo yo !!

Blast from the past

Glennie our warehouse manager, uploaded this a while back now but it’s a collection of footage from back in 1996 / 1997 from the comps held at Fairfield in Sydney. Look out for clips from myself, Simon O’Brien & Glennie himself.

These comps were some of my best memories of BMX for me no doubt. Bloody good times for sure.

Here is another from back in 2000 from a comp down at The Shed in Melbourne as well. Commentating is Marc Urlich from Strictly BMX fame.

Yo yo !!

Team Colony One Clip

Whilst we were in Adelaide we got this fun little one clip at the West Beach Park. Take note of Cooper riding Alex’s bike. Filmed by Alex Hiam.

Yo yo !!

Team trip in Adelaide this weekend

This weekend pretty much the entire team will be in Adelaide to have a ride around. Come & say g’day at Little Black Bike Saturday at 1pm then come for a roll at the city park at 3pm, should be a good day. Come along say hi & have a roll with Ryan Guettler, Alex Hiam, Zac Miner, Mick Bayzand, Tom Stretton, Cooper Brownlee, Brock Olive, Liam Zingbergs, Valvoline & myself.

We will have some freebies at LBB & even some of the new Vans / Colony shoes on display for all to check out. These will be available March next year.

Yo yo !!

New team pages…

It’s been a while coming but when you have a team as large as ours these things do take longer than expected. We have all new team pages with interviews, photos & videos on all the team members. This includes our newest editions to the pro team ranks, Marnold & Tom Stretton. Along with the flow team, flatland crew & family members there is plenty of new stuff to check out. This should keep you busy for a couple hours, plenty to read, watch & take in. Click here now to scope it all out in it’s freshness.

Yo yo !!

Colony / Vans trip in Adelaide

On December 3rd, 2011 almost the entire Colony team will be in Adelaide, South Australia. It’s all to help promote the up coming Vans / Colony collaboration shoe release. There will be two new models based off the Vans Wylie & Vans Milo shoes with Colony artwork. These will be out in March next year.

Ryan Guettler, Alex Hiam, Zac Miner, Mick Bayzand, Cooper Brownlee, Tom Stretton, Liam Zingbergs, Brock Olive, Valvo & myself will be there.

We will be having an in-store at Little Black Bike at 1pm & then a ride at the city park at 3pm. Come along, meet the team, get some freebies & then let’s all have a ride. Should be a great day.

Yo yo !!

Park cruising…

We had a pretty good day riding around yesterday. Valvo, Peta, Alex & myself rode a few of the various parks here in Brisbane & had a great time while doing so. Check out a few random pics from the day below, good times.

Alex with an invert at Kuraby.

Valvo with a boost over the hip at Kuraby.

Peta with a toboggan at Crestmead.

Valvo slinging the bars at Crestmead.

Yo yo !!

It’s a rental…

On our way back home from a 2 week trip here in the USA & Canada. Just spent 3 days up in Vancouver with Dave Osato & his wife Johanna, taking in the sites of Vancouver. It was a really nice weekend for sure. They took us around & showed us some cool stuff, we ate good food & had a few drinks. We even caught up with Jay Miron as well. He is doing well it seems with his absence from BMX.

It was also good to catch up with Blaise & Tammy from Kill Em All Distribution as well.

We just spent the day in LA now & got a hire car to cruise around in. Had to go something American & fun. So enter the Dodge Challenger R/T with it’s 5.7L V8 Hemi. Fun times !!

Yo yo !!

Today was a good day…

Spent the day exploring New York City today again. We visited the 9/11 site which was rather emotional to be there. Just thinking of all those that lost their lives & what it would have been like to be there when it happened.

After that we headed to check out Wall Street & had some breakfast there. We then took a NYC Water Taxi on the Hudson River to check out the sights including the Statue of Liberty. After that we walked & checked out the Brooklyn Banks although they are closed off at the moment with construction.

After this we caught the subway back uptown to check out the Empire State Building. Such a great view of the city from up there. All in all, a great day.

Yo yo !!

The big apple…

Spent the day exploring NYC today & have much more planned for tomorrow yet. Snapped a couple quick pics on the go. We also saw a bunch of skaters filming in Times Square. The police nearby didn’t seemed fazed at all either which was cool to see.

Yo yo !!

From OKC to NYC…

We spent the day in OKC yesterday & the guys at Sidewall Distribution looked after us really well, thanks guys. I checked out Sidewall HQ & after that we had some lunch & went for a quick site seeing tour around the city. One thing Mark Owen showed me was the famous rail Mat Hoffman did back in the day. We then headed to the airport to catch our next plane.

We arrived in NYC late last night. As we flew in we had a great over view of the entire city. I have never seen a city like this before. So crazy big. We headed straight for our hotel & walked around a little & it’s pretty surreal to be here. Today we will be going exploring… should be great.

Yo yo !!

In OKC… finally

Travelling can really suck sometimes. After Vegas we planned to go to Oklahoma City to visit the guys at Sidewall Distribution & have a nice relaxing Sunday there.

Well those plans got thrown out the window when our flight was delayed by 6 hours out of Vegas. It also didn’t help that we arrived 4 hours earlier for our flight. So after 10 hours sitting in the Vegas airport, we finally got on our way but then missed our connecting flight in Dallas. We were given a hotel room but only had 3 hours to try to get some sleep before we had to make the connecting flight. Finally after 24 hours of travelling, we arrived at our hotel in OKC, very much ready for some sleep. Our plans for Sunday blown out but least we finally arrived.

We will go visit Sidewall tomorrow & see where all the magic happens.

The view over Vegas at 11pm.

Yo yo !!

VW Day Out…

This has pretty much nothing to do with BMX but thought it may be of interest of some out there. For those that know me, know that I am a VW fan. It was a beautiful sunny Sunday here, so I went down to a VW Show N Shine in my beloved ’62 Type 3 Squareback. It was a perfect day to chill out & go for a cruise. I captured a few images from the day & here they are below.

Yo yo !!
