
Millar Archives - Page 6 of 8 - Colony BMX

Clint Millar – Ten Clips

When I was up in Brisbane a little while back I went down to Helensvale park with Clint and filmed his first 10 clips edit, stoked on how it came out. He has only pulled the last trick once before in his life I believe, check it out.


Weekend in Newcastle…

Zac Miner, Alex Hiam, Tom Stretton, Brock Olive & myself headed down to Newcastle on the weekend to ride & to attend a DVD premiere hosted by the guys at Drift Bikes. A huge thanks to everyone at Drift. On the way down we also hit up the new park in Nimbin which was a blast. Get yourself there sometime soon if you wanna ride a great snake run & park.

A huge thanks to Adam Ingles & all the Newcastle locals that showed us a great time. A special thanks also go to Matt & his boys for letting us ride his backyard ramps. Thanks for the Jack’s too, good times !!

Tom enjoying Nimbin’s new park.

In-store at Drift Bikes.

Yo yo !!

DVD premiere Newcastle…

For those in the Newcastle area Drift Bikes are hosting a premiere for our DVD this Saturday night. Alex Hiam, Tom Stretton, Brock Olive & myself will also be at Drift Newcastle for an in-store & then going down to the park for a ride afterwards. Should be a great day on & off these great little bikes we all ride & love so much. Check the flyer for details.

Yo yo !!

Clint Millar interview…

If you’re interested in my experiences with the making of the DVD, check out the video below.

Filmed & edited by Stewart Munro.

Yo yo !!

Oneclips all round…

Pete Radivo & myself teamed up with Polly for a oneclip over on Focalpoint.

Marnold also has another recent one.

Yo yo !!

Crispy love…

I have a little feature over on the Crispy Stream website about my top 20 songs/albums of all time. Check it by clicking here now.

Yo yo !!

Oneclip over on FP

Looks like I scored a recent one clip as seen over on the Focalpoint site.

Yo yo !!


Clint is down here in Melbourne for the weekend, yesterday afternoon we rode Ringwood park with a bunch of the locals who were super pumped on any front wheel moves from Millar. Thanks to the local crew for having fun with it.

It was a good day…

Yesterday we had a great day riding at 4 different parks here in Brisbane. Pete Radivo is in town & we hit up Crestmead, Browns Plains, Woodridge & finally Kuraby. Getting clips at each spot as we went, good times for sure. From left to right is Glennie, myself, Pete, Alex & Peta.

Yo yo !!

Millar on it…

Whilst in Brisbane at the moment I filmed this Oneclip of Clint in a cool drain spot. Good to see boss man back on it after the 6 months off due to injury.

Everyday is a Saturday…

The new DVD from 2020 Magazine filmed & edited by Big Salad. Looking the goods & available next month Australia wide. Look out for appearances in the full length feature from a vast bunch of the Colony team when it’s out including Zac Miner, Liam Zingbergs, Chris Courtenay, Marnold, Cooper Brownlee, Brock Olive, Tom Stretton & even myself. Check it.

Yo yo !!

Interview on The Come Up

Over on TheComeUp I have an interview with myself about Colony, my own riding, the Australian riding scene & BMX industry. Click here to check it out now.

Yo yo !!


Found this random photo from last year’s Nora Cup & thought I would share with you all. Thanks to Ride BMX for hooking us up big time that night, good times.

Yo yo !!

Colony shop tour…

Later next month, almost the entire team will be meeting up in Brisbane to ride for a few days then head back down south making our way to the BMX Games scheduled for February 25th, 26th & 27th in Canberra.

Along the way we will be dropping into some select Colony dealers with a bunch of giveaways, signings & a bunny hop comp open for all to enter. So come along & meet the guys at your favourite shop shown below.

Yo yo !!

Zac’s trip photos

Zac Miner sent over a few photos from the USA trip we took a couple of months ago. Zac stayed on over there for a couple weeks after most of us left. He was stoked on these photos as they all remind him of good stories from the trip. It’s summer, everyone should be out road tripping!

Circa Millar

Team rider Paddy Gross sent me over this photo he came across of Clint Millar from what must be a lifetime ago (year 2000 actually) riding the very ramp Paddy grew up riding and learning tricks on in Trier, Germany. It really is a small world when it comes to BMX!

Random fact I found out when working out where Trier was is that it is the oldest city in Germany.

Win my bike !!

After my crash in the USA 5 weeks ago I left my bike there with the guys from Ride BMX with the view to give it away via some kind of competition. Well, it’s out now & here is your chance to win my bike complete with a one off custom frame & our prototype Agenda tyres.

Click here now to get the full scoop & get your entries in for your chance to win my beloved bike.

Make a video that entertains me & it could very well be you !!

Yo yo !!

Bike checks!

Whilst we were in LA a few weeks ago, we hooked up with Fat Tony and he was down with doing some bike checks. Visit Ride to see the bikes from myself, Tom Stretton, Clint Millar, Mick Bayzand and Broc Raiford.

Check back soon for how you can win Clint’s bike featured in these checks !!

US trip coming to an end…

Our US trip is now coming to an end with Cooper, Mick & myself going home today. Broc also left this morning for home. Zac & Tom are heading over to Greenville to hang with Ryan for a week or so.

It’s been a great trip except for my broken ankle. Thanks to everyone that showed us around & rode with us. Special thanks to Ryan Navazio for looking after us while in LA, thanks mate.

Yo yo !!


We have two more days before most of us fly back home. Clint is out of hospital as well so that’s good news. We paid a visit to Hollywood and while we were in the area we cruised down the strip and did the tourist thing for a minute…

Another day.

Clint was fortunate enough to have his operation last night and things went as well as they could so that’s good news.

The rest of us went out today and rode the best ditch I have ever ridden in my life. Fun was had, alot of water was drunk and clips were filmed! The photo below is from a spot we hit yesterday which is one of those million in one spots (we have hit a few of them this week) the tree roots have lifted this sidewalk up enough to have a good pop for riders to shred it. Tom gets his game on…

Millar is down.

After an awesome day out riding, literally last spot of the evening we were riding Clint unfortunately landed wrong on an up rail to 180 which resulted in a pretty bad leg break. I can’t upload photos from the day until tomorrow so for now here is a photo from happier times for Millar at the first spot we hit out of Vegas a couple of days ago. He is having surgery tonight we hope so i will keep all posted.

Note: Anyone out there that is possibly awaiting email replies please be patient. Thanks.

Off to the USA today…

Today Mick Bayzand, Zac Miner, Cooper Brownlee, Tom Stretton & myself are off to the USA for Interbike & then a week long riding trip in & around Cali. Should be a blast. Expect reports from the road while were there.

Yo yo !!

Just for fun…

While Alex & I were staying at Ryan’s house a couple weeks back we put together this fun little edit riding Ryan’s new backyard mini ramp. It was crazy hot this day & so humid but was great fun doing it. I haven’t sweated that much in ages !! We even did a bunch of synchro stuff just for fun. Enjoy.

Yo yo !!

Went sky diving today…

Today I went sky diving for my 36th birthday. It was amazing !! Below is the video they produced as part of the package. It was such an awesome experience & I would recommend to anyone to go out & do it for sure. Thanks to my family for the awesome gift !!

Clint Millar127

Yo yo !!

At Woodward now…

Alex, Ryan & myself arrived at Woodward yesterday. We meet up with Broc Raiford here as well & rode all day. It was amazing. I haven’t been here since 1998 & the place has changed so much since then. So much stuff to ride that I don’t think we will even get to ride it all during our 4 day stay. Thanks to the friendly staff at Woodward for hooking us up, appreciated.



Yo yo !!

USA trip update…

Today we went riding in the crazy 100 degree (38 degrees celsius) here. We went to Raleigh today to do a little street jibbing in the crazy heat. Was a fun day for sure. Below are some photos taken by Colin Mackay – one during the drive home today & the other while chilling at Ryan’s place yesterday.



Yo yo !!

2020 Print Advert.

Below is our double page advert in the current issue of 2020. Bit of a story behind this one as Clint has talked about wanting to do it this rail for years, 10 years to be exact. Last time I was in Brisbane we went down to this rail to suss it out, we got there too late in the evening to do it but Millar called it out so the next day we went there and he fired it out first go!


A bit of 2008 footage…

Here is a little edit that Glen McGlaughlin (Colony warehouse manager) made up from some almost lost footage from back in 2008. Check it.

Yo yo !!

One for the Ringwood Locals…

Here is one just for the Ringwood Locals !! Shot in France at an awesome plaza that we dropped by to ride.

