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Tom Stretton update

Hey guys

I’m writing this update from a doctors surgery. It’s basically where I’ve been spending most of my time lately other than bed. 3 weeks ago in Canberra I came off in something stupid and small and hurt my leg. At the time I wasn’t sure wether it was bad or not so I hung around for a bit and sauced it up with the best crew so I could see the Backbone Video premiere. (which you should all go out and get as soon as humanly possible!) Thanks to Colony, Clint, Rhysty and Backbone for such an incredible weekend.

Apparently I have destroyed my tibial plateau (shattered into little pieces) and fractured my tibia, along with destroying my ACL and possible damage to my PCL. They wanted to operate on my leg asap but apparently it was so fidgety that it would have done more damage than good. So at this stage I’m waiting for my MRI next week and then an appointment with some important orthopedic dude to make a plan for the best outcome. I won’t know the extent of my ligaments until after the MRI obviously but they have already said I’ll most likely need a knee reco.

At the moment I’m just trying to stay positive and really looking forward to finally having a plan for all this. I can’t walk for 6-12 weeks so that’s a bummer, but I’m at my parents recovering and Carolyn Stretton is a god damn SAINT! Hahah, thanks mum.

As soon as I know what the go is I’ll try and put an update up to let people know what’s happening. It may be a long while until I’m riding again but shit happens and I fucking love my bike. Just glad I’m not Pete Radivo and don’t do this every other weekend haha. Love ya Pete.

Until next time. Peace!



Riding photo: LC

Ben Thompson video

Thanks to Leeton Kleingeld for filming/editing this video of Ben for Bicycle Centre in Townsville, QLD. Ben really puts together some wild lines in this video, the last clip is just ridiculous…

Follow him on Instagram as you will be constantly entertained by his riding Instavids he posts up.

Jackie Straiton @ Woodward West

Check this video of Jackie giving you a run down of his time at Woodward…

Stacked BMX jam video

Larry doing good things for the Riverside scene with Stacked BMX. Here’s the video from the latest street ride they do each month. Jourdan has a bunch of good clips throughout along with all the locals.

ACT JAM video

The Backbone guys put together a 10 minute video from the crazy weekend that was ACT JAM. All the crew feature throughout this video so have a watch and start counting down the weeks until next years jam…

Mick Bayzand digging deep

For the past couple months Mick and I have been heading down to the trails and helping out with the locals on some re-building of particular lines. Up until last week we hadn’t really rode them at all so it was great to get a session in and start filming for an up and coming project we are working on, Mick has already got some good stuff so we wanted to share one of the shots we captured last week.

Shoutout to the DCT locals for welcoming us into their home.



Nathan Dans cover

Nathan Sykes scored the latest Dans Comp catalogue cover along with a mini interview within the catalogue. Be sure to check it all out…


Chris Courtenay update

Quick check in guys. I Went to the ACTJAM the other weekend with the rest of the team and what an experience that was, such a great vibe & 110% will be back next year, I suggest anyone thinking of going should attend! Apart from that, been cruising around Brisbane riding a bunch. All the homies are out of town at the moment so if your around Brisbane and keen to ride be sure to hit me up! I’m always down. Also got some new web content coming to your eyes soon so keep an eye out. Here’s a few photos to follow my recent adventures.





Connor Keating @ Dew Tour

Props to Connor for placing 3rd at the recent Chicago Dew Tour Features AM event. Hopefully some footage surfaces from the comp…


Print Advert – Nathan Sykes

Below is the print advert from the latest RIDE BMX magazine. Featuring Nathan Sykes carving around a pool we rode back in Feb. I had to borrow Matt Cordova’s camera for this one so that we could sit the camera in the middle of the pool and shoot it from outside the pool as I didn’t have the cord for my camera. It took a few shots to get the timing right and to fit the entire shape of the pool in the image but I am stoked on how it came out and that we ended up using it for an advert. Go get yourself a copy of the mag and check it all out.

More info about the Wasp Hubs right here


Bruno Faucon in Marseille

Bruno sent through some images shot by Louis Thomas from a jam in Marseille at a spot not usually rideable. But thanks to Justin Fouque the event was made possible, it looks like a cool spot…




Jack Kelly 2015 video

Jack dropped his Welcome To Pro video at the end of 2014. We started filming another project almost straight away and this is the end result. Filmed around Melbourne and Sydney, Australia.

Millar in Melbourne

Millar was in town for a couple days so we got out for a ride in the sun one day and snapped a few photos…






Alex Hiam FOX video

Wow, Wow…Wow! Alex went in! Shoutout to Troy Charlesworth and FOX for making this happen, it came out great. Alex really came through with some amazing creative moves in this video. Mr Hiam should be back on the bike in a few weeks just in time for his world trip so be on the look out for more goodies from him soon…

Bike Check – Connor Keating

Connor rep’s Colony over in Michigan via Albe’s. Here are a few images of his current ride. Connor is heading out to Chicago Dew tour this week so follow him on Instagram to keep up to date on his travels.




New Product – Locals Only seat

We worked with Nathan Sykes on his first signature product late last year and the end result is this fresh looking Locals Only colab seat. Locals Only is Nathan’s clothing brand he works on day in and day out when he isn’t roasting hips. The seat is available now if you live in Australia with the USA landing them early July and the rest of the world in August. I know this first drop of seats in Australia is pretty small so get in quick if you want one of these bad boys before the next drop in August.



Canberra trip Flipbook

With the biggest jam of the year going down in Canberra we knew we had to make the trip out with a good chunk of the crew. The following is a collection of images from the cold days we spent in the capital territory…

Thanks to LC for the additional photos.

Instavids – Jack & Dean at ACT Jam

Couple cool clips of Jack and Dean from the weekend…

A video posted by Jack Kelly (@killjack) on

Andre Jesus video

Andre Jesus goes in hard for an afternoon at the Savela park in Finland , Helsinki.

Filmed and edited by Scott Connor. (@subvertbmx)

Instavids – ActJam2015

A couple clips from day 1 of ActJam2015…

The biggest jam of the year…

A huge chunk of the team will be out in full force this weekend at the ACT Jam, come say hi and get your shred on!


Nathan Sykes update

It’s been a great month! Weather in California was a bit cool for a few weeks so that was a really nice to have treat! Been getting Wednesday sessions at Pala and a few days out riding pools. Been filming a bit and busy with Locals Only.

Bought a new motorcycle that I’m really excited about! 04′ Honda Shadow that I’m doing a bobber project with. Been a big learning curve. But so much fun building this with my hands. Can’t wait to cruise it to the trails with my bike on the back! Going to be a fun summer ahead!




Instavids – Alex Hiam

Alex is already coming good from his recent crash that ruptured his spleen and should be back on the bike later this month. Here we have a few clips that didn’t make the cut for his up coming FOX video. Filmed and edited by Troy Charlesworth.

A video posted by A H (@alexhiam) on

Jack Kelly update

I recently flew to China for the Asian X-Games and managed to place 9th in street after qualifying for finals, very stoked with that result and the entire experience of it all. It’s so crazy to be hanging out/riding with dudes I look up to in a foreign country.

I also drove to Sydney last week with DJ and Coop to stay with Chris Whyte and to film for my next Colony web video which should be out very shortly. Thanks to Chris for letting us stay.





Bit of a re-edit of Mycek‘s section from the ALTER dvd. That DVD was such a good watch.

Chris Courtenay @ Ride On

Seeing as Chris works at Ride On you know he will have some local lines. Peep the video below to see Chris go to work for an hour with the place all to himself. Love that first clip so much…

Filmed by Jason Watts.

Moving on…

Justin Care decided to part ways with Colony this week, all on good terms I must say. We wish Justin all the best and it was a pleasure hanging out and riding with him every chance we could…

Have Fun With It.

The guys at Focalpoint recently uploaded the full length DVD they released back in 2011. It heavily features Marnold, Cooper, Jack and Mick. Check out the while video below.

Yo yo !!

Jourdan Barba update

What’s up guys checking in on something’s I’ve done this month I recently made a day trip up to the baldy full pipe it was a mission getting there but it’s always worth the adventure! Also went on a family vacation to Guadalajara Mexico and had fun out there wish I would’ve taken my bike but I will next time though! I’ve been riding as much as I can and filming on the weekends almost done with a banging new video!

Follow me on Instagram @jourdanbarba Photo credit: Chris Eiland




Instavids: Ricky Catanzariti

Ricky is still nursing a broken wrist right now but he posted up a couple of pretty amazing clips from his recent crew mixtape which need to be seen…
