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Dirty Drains Jam

Today Richo, Alex, Cooper Brownlee & myself went to the Dirty Drains Jam in Brisbane. It was a really good turn out & a good vibe as well. I got way too much sun but still had fun none the less. Here is a pic of Richo in the long jump comp that went down. It was a great day & a everyone had a good time. It was good to see everyone having a good time in one place.


Yo yo !!

NYRM & Alex Hiam

Click here now to check out some news (a little old now) about Alex Hiam & nahyouritemate.


Yo yo !!

Alex Hiam gets promoted

13 year old Alex Hiam has been promoted up to the rankings of our pro team & is being graced with his very first international Colony advert. Expect to see this in magazines such as Ride BMX, 2020, Dig & Focalpoint. In the months ahead expect some more big news about Colony & Alex… more on that one later.

Oh, by the way. We will finally have our team section of the website over hauled real soon too… been way over due on this one.


Yo yo !!

Driving back from Melbourne

Zac Miner, Alex Hiam & myself left Melbourne today for the long drive home. To pass time in the van Alex did some work on Zac’s ink & showed his true art skills. We made it to Canberra this arvo & are staying at Zac’s place for the night. To stretch our legs we dropped off at Tugga’s for a roll. Zac & Alex had fun there & we took a few pics for the site. Enjoy.

Zac’s ink & a pic of Wallis on Zac’s fridge.

Alex & Zac stunting it up.

Yo yo !!

Alex’s bike makeover… again

Alex has once again had a makeover on his bike & I am sure it won’t be the last. He changes his bike colour like most of us change our underwear. It’s all good though, whatever keeps him happy. Be sure to check Alex riding his new ride at the Core Series final at Kuraby this Sunday. Should be quite the show with Kuraby being his favourite place to ride in the world.

If you haven’t seen it yet click here for Alex’s web video from a few months ago.

Or check out this little edit Chris Courtenay made of his & Alex’s week in Melbourne a few weeks back.

melbourne trip from chris courtenay on Vimeo.


Yo yo !!
