ahaha, well, after many a conversation of how rad it would be, a lil bit of penny saving, and alot of pondering, I finally got a backyard ramp for my house, and it’s RAD to say the least. At the moment it’s at the wazman’s house for a lil (thanks wazman!), until i prep the area at my house, but hopefully by summertime it will be in place, with a few additions. The plan is to make it a sheet wider, put some big platforms on and then put a 6 foot facing crossways and maybe a roll up into a smaller quarter the other way, with a bowl corner and a elevated wallride going out of the 6 foot. kinda like Ryan’s backyard setup but probably a bit smaller. Either that or we’ll just build a bigger tranny each side. Come summer, it’ll be beach, barbies, backyard sessions, beers, bourbon and booyashaka’s! Millar i might need some of them colony ramp srickers!
Also below are some pics from the redbull dirt pipe that was in albury out the back of melbourne the other week, it was fuckin nutso! just big and scary! a good time was had by all and congrats to mike daly for putting on such an awesome event! And even more congrats to Rusty, who took the win, stoked to say the least. Rusty is just gnarly, super smooth, high, and the 4 tricks that he did were stretched and slow, just like tricks should be! Rusty and his fiance and heading off to the states soon so the cashola was the icing in the cake for them, couldn’t have come at a better time! and congrats to Brendan Jones who came in second, jonesy is one of my favourite riders for sure, cause he goes fast and don’t give a fuck, big turndown flips and banana whip outs! laughing the whole way! I love booze! bye bye.