
Kelly Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Colony BMX

Jack Kelly Setups

Jack has a bike check over on DIG which also includes some banging riding photos. Check it all here.



Jack Kelly in California

Jack Kelly recently headed over to the USA for a month and has already been stacking clips with the crew.






Instavids – Jayden, Bracamonte, Sykes and Jack Kelly.

A video posted by Jayden Fuller (@jdoogg) on

A video posted by @chrisbracamonte on

A video posted by Nathan Sykes (@nathantsykes) on

A video posted by Jack Kelly (@killjack) on

Instavids – Jack Kelly, Alex Hiam & Jayden Fuller

A video posted by Jack Kelly (@killjack) on

A video posted by Bmx (@alexhiam) on

A video posted by Jayden Fuller (@jdoogg) on

Q&A with Jack Kelly

We caught up with JK recently, shot a few photos and talked about what’s been happening since he had knee surgery. Be on the lookout for some fresh footage of Jack soon but for now check it all out here.


Jack Kelly wins Adelaide Street Series

Congrats to Jack Kelly who won this years street series jam that went down in Adelaide over the weekend. You can watch the video from the day below where Jack seems to destroy every spot the crew hit.


JK clips

Jack Kelly has some good clips in this video from some local crew in his area…

Jack Kelly destroying his flat rail

With JK back from knee surgery it’s great to see him back in full swing. We got a few sessions in on his flat rail and filmed a bunch of wild moves, check it out…

Instagram video feed #3

Another week or so of stacked clips from some of the crew, check it out…

Instavids – Alex Hiam, Jack Kelly & Anthony Napolitan

A video posted by Bmx (@alexhiam) on

A video posted by Jack Kelly (@killjack) on

Canberra trip update

A bunch of the crew are in Canberra right now for ACT Jam, it’s already been a wild time as expected. Unfortunately Alex wrecked his ankle the first night but other then that dudes have been killing it. Couple shots from the adventure…






Jack Kelly update

I’ve been back on the bike for almost a month now and while still feeling quite rusty after my time off the bike, I’m loving being back on the bike and back out riding with my friends, I’ve filmed a couple of clips here and there for my next web video and some for a bike check video Cooper and myself are working on so keep an eye out for that!

Follow Jack on Instagram: @killjack


jk hard bars

The Package 3 from Focalpoint bmx

Jack Kelly and Polly both have good clips in this new mixtape from Focalpoint. Check it out…

Prahran Jam

We helped put on the jam down at Prahran park last weekend with Strictly BMX. Here is the video from the day which has some great riding from everyone including JK and Polly


A video posted by Victor salazar (@v_salazar) on

A video posted by Jack Kelly (@killjack) on

12T00:50:23+00:00″>Mar 11, 2016 at 4:50pm PST

Jack Kelly update

I haven’t been up to much lately riding wise as I’m still recovering from knee surgery so I’ve mainly been working and hanging out with mates getting out in the 4×4 but I can’t wait to be riding again and I’ve already come up with a bunch of things I want to film when I’m back.


Little throwback from when JK spent a month in California hitting every rail possible…

Jack Kelly update

Hey guys, I’m currently recovering from a knee reconstruction so I haven’t been riding for a few weeks now, and won’t be able to for a few months more, but luckily my time off the bike is short compared to other types of surgery as I had a synthetic ligament put in my knee called a LARS ligament. While I’ve been off I have mainly been working on my car, hanging out with friends and watching a lot of web edits, I can’t wait to be back on the bike and I’m already planning to travel with it once I’m riding again.



And check out more from Jack with is most recent video…

Jack Kelly down

So unfortunately whilst on the Adelaide trip last week Jack took a fall on some trails and tweaked his knee. Once we got back to Melbourne he had it all checked out which gave us the bad news that he had torn his ACL and fractured his knee. Jack has already kicked everything into gear seeing specialists so we are wishing him the best for a quick surgery and recovery.

Adelaide trip

A few of us drive over for the Octoberfest Trails jam in Adelaide on the weekend. Unfortunately both Jack and Dean had a rough first day with Jack tweaking his knee and Dean shaving half his leg off after they both crashed at the jumps in Bordertown on the way over. Dean was able to still ride the weekend and the trails jam was amazing but Jack was down and out. Hopefully his knee is alright. Massive thanks to the City Dirt locals for putting on a great event. No doubt we will be back for it next year.








The Package 2

Jack and Marnold have some great clips in the new Focalpoint mixtape…

Instavids – JK, Alex Hiam, Nathan Sykes and Ricky C.

A few recent Instavids from some of the guys…

A video posted by Jack Kelly (@killjack) on

A video posted by Bmx (@alexhiam) on

A video posted by Nathan Sykes (@nathantsykes) on

Flem Banks

Both Jack and Dean have some pretty heavy clips in this video that Troy Charlesworth put together recently from Flem Banks jam that went down earlier this year.

Print Advert – Jack Kelly

Jack Kelly advert in the new RIDE mag, promoting the 22’s cranks which now also come in 170mm length. Photo was shot by Daniel Johnson and the clip is from his recent Colony video…



Jack, Ricky and Marnold all have some great clips in this mixtape from the Adelaide EC crew. Can’t believe Ricky did a hang 10 to barspin…

Print Advert – Jack Kelly

JK has a double page advert in the current issue of Soul BMX over in Europe. The photo was shot by Daniel Johnson where Jack opposite crooks a large rail for his most recent video. All the 2016 frames are now available in Australia with the rest of the world in the coming weeks.


Genesis Crew Mixtape

Jack Kelly has a few clips in this new Mixtape from the Sydney based crew, the whole thing is well worth a watch…

Jack Kelly interview

JK has an interview over on the BMX Union website, hit this link to check it out…


Photo by Rubers.

Jack Kelly update

Lately I’ve been riding a lot of indoors as the weather is horrible in Melbourne, but in between the bad weather I’ve been squeezing sessions in at the local skatepark and a few others in Melbourne. And managed to film a few Instagram videos in the process.

Once the weather gets better hopefully I’ll be filming for a new project in the streeeeetsss!

A video posted by Jack Kelly (@killjack) on

A video posted by Jack Kelly (@killjack) on

Jack Kelly 2015 video

Jack dropped his Welcome To Pro video at the end of 2014. We started filming another project almost straight away and this is the end result. Filmed around Melbourne and Sydney, Australia.

Canberra trip Flipbook

With the biggest jam of the year going down in Canberra we knew we had to make the trip out with a good chunk of the crew. The following is a collection of images from the cold days we spent in the capital territory…

Thanks to LC for the additional photos.

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