Hey guys, I wanna share with you guys my busy year of 2016, with a lot of riding and contests. I come back to Brazil this year for the BSS Tour with Dreambmx, A Big series of 5 contests called @bss_tour
The contests was amazing, a lot of new places, new culture, and new emotions. First contest we end up to Santa Catarina, at the south of Brazil, the public was amazing the energy at the contest was incredible. I was so pumped to ride then that I gave 120% and end up 1st place and also won the best trick.
Then I had a little break of contests, so I decided to go chill with my friend Douglas Leite Doguete in WoodWard – PA, where I spent 1 month riding, and having the best days of my life at that paradise. Woodward rules ! After I’m back from Woodward I had only a day to rest and just get another airplane to go straight to the state of Ceará.
I had couple injuries from WW but it didn’t stop me to ride as hard as I could and end up again with 1st place and won the best trick again. Always is happy get in the number 1 podium.
No chill after that, the next day we already got a bus with at least 20 riders, we drove to the next stop, Juazeiro da Bahia. We had couple days to rest till the weekend, so the contest could start on Friday with practice.
This third contest, two of the greatest riders of south America, Daniel Dhers and Jose Maligno came to compete. It was a tough contest for myself but I did my best and got second place and I crashed on a flair double whip, but still stoked of my place.
After that we had one month of rest and riding before the fourth stop of BSS tour that was in Varginha the famous city of E.T here in Brazil, people Always see some spaceships there hahahaaha, true or lie I don’t know. This contest I had a couple of personal issues, but still rode well not the way I wanted but anyway, I still finish in second place could not be more happy about it.
After this contest I already knew that I won the Overall Bss tour in the Ranking, best thing that happened in my life … It’s a crazy feeling to win something big like this over here in Brazil, and I’m so happy about that.
The last contest and final stop of the Bss Tour I was not focus enough to do what I wanted, sometimes we have perfect days and sometimes we have a bad days, but that doesn’t mean we had to be up set or looking in the past, we need to keep our head up for the future and the new opportunities, life never stop, we need to always keep strong for what is coming.
So I’m grateful of this amazing year and opportunities of this BSS tour come in the right time.
I want to say thanks for my friends, family, sponsors and people who believed me.