Archive Of December 2008 - Colony BMX
Product highlight – Official Forks
If you’re after some light weight forks, then you can’t really go past Ryan’s signature Official forks. Click here for the full deal on them & then check them out at a BMX shop near you soon.
Yo yo !!
Attila Godi bike check
Attila Godi, our flow team rider in Hungary, sent me some pics of his new set up. It looks the goods with the Black & Gold theme, check it out below. Many thanks go to our distro in Hungary, Harlee Distribution for hooking us up with Attila.
Yo yo !!
Product highlight – Official Sprocket
Ryan’s signature sprocket has been out for a while now & we have no reason to change it anytime soon. It pretty much does exactly what it’s meant to do. It looks good, is strong & light weight. Click here for full details.
Yo yo !!
Vans presents…
The 2009 Colony BMX & Forgotten tour from Brisbane to Melbourne via Sydney & Canberra for the BMX Games. Check the flyer below for all the tour dates, stops & featured riders on the tour.
The tour is aimed at promoting the release of the Vans / Colony collaboration Whip 2 signature shoe, from Ryan Guettler. Due out in stores in Australia in February & the USA in January.
We will be having appearances at the bike shops listed & will have giveaways at these shops so make sure you get to the one nearest you. Come to the parks listed to have a ride with the crew.
See you there !!
Yo yo !!
Welcome Michal Mycek
With many thanks to our distributor in Poland, BMX Forever, we would like to welcome to the flow team Michal Mycek. Check out some pics of his new Bloody Oath below & the quick video of him riding an indoor park in his city, Wroclaw. It’s raining all the time over there right now so not much chance to ride outside.
Mick Bayzand is freezing
Mick sent me a cool email with a bunch of random pics. It’s snowing over there in Vancouver right now & he seems to be enjoying it as well. He also sent me the first pics of his prototype Teddy frame as well, looking good. Mick also moved into a new house complete with a resident cat named, Millar. Awesome.
Yo yo !!
Liam is at it again…
Another amazing web edit from Liam Fahy-Hampton, this time with his long time supporter, Backbone BMX. The last clip is a banger for sure.
Product highlight – Konka Bar ends
Our Konka bar ends were one of our first ever products developed & they have stood the test of time. I guess what else is a bar end meant to do hey? Available in all our colours & named after a good friends brand of TV set, Konka! Click here if you need more details.
Yo yo !!
Liam Vance’s new bike
Alan Wood’s from Alans BMX in the UK, sent me over an email about Liam Vance’s new bike he has just built up. Liam is hooked up through Alans with Colony & is now on a 2009 Bloody Oath 19.8″ frame. It looks the goods for sure with all the Tangerine parts on it. Click here for the full scoop on it now. Thanks to Alans BMX for helping out Liam with Colony.
Yo yo !!
Blast from the past…
Check this out from 1991, top left is myself while top right is Ryan Guettler.
This was at the FlatAmp Comp Series held at Nunawading & featured in the August/September issue of BMX National. I ended up winning 16 years flatland & Masters flatland while getting 3rd in 16 years ramp while Ryan won the 14 & under ramp class at a mere age of 8 years old.
Thanks to Matt Holmes from 2020 BMX magazine for the bringing back the cool memories that seem so long ago.
Yo yo !!
Fantastic Plastic pedals update
OK… it’s been more than a while since we started working on these but they are ready to ship now, finally. Please click here for full details on these babies. Expect them in stores all around the world, early in the new year. Good things do come to those who wait & thanks for those who have been waiting patiently.
Yo yo !!
Epic Invasion
The other day I picked myself up a copy of Epic Invasion while I was at Ride On BMX. I forgot that I even bought it after the Corona’s at Steve’s shop & today I got around to watching it for the first time. I was rather impressed & gotta say it lived up to the hype around it. Troy did a great job on the overall DVD & was stoked to see Zac Miner’s killer section & even an appearance from Alex Hiam. Stoked. Do yourself a favour & pick yourself up a copy now, you wont be disappointed.
Yo yo !!
Product highlight – Bloody Oath frame
Our 2009 model Bloody Oath frame has been out for a few months now & it’s much improved over the 2008 model. It’s lighter, stronger & refined. Weighing in at a mere 4.4lbs or 1,936grams for the 21″ version, it’s one of the lighter frames out there today. Check out the specs here for the full scoop or check one out at a bike shop near you now.
Yo yo !!
Fresh ride for Mark
Mark Mathews-Frederick is the guy who does all my CAD drawings for Colony & recently put together a swag of new parts on his Sect. Mark loves to play around with different paint jobs & colour schemes & I think this is one of his best yet. Check it out below. Plus we got an action pic of him putting his bike to good use… Yo yo !!
Next limited edition colours
Here are some sneak peaks at our next limited edition colours… Yellow & Bloody Black. Shown here on our Hell Stallion forks & our Official forks. You will be able to get our frames, forks, bars & cranks in Bloody Black. Yellow will be available on our entire range of parts. We will also have Polished on all our alloy parts.
These will be available around the world in the new year.
Yo yo !!
Liam Fahy-Hampton with Kym Grosser
Really cool edit with some amazing riding of Liam Fahy-Hampton & Kym Grosser for MTV a while back. Yo yo !!
2009 Endeavor… available now!
In bike shops all across Australia our 2009 Endeavor has finally hit. For those that have waited patiently, the wait is finally over. Check one out soon at a shop near you before they’re all gone again. If you end picking one up don’t forget to ask for your FREE Colony Web Videos DVD, while stocks last of course.
Yo yo !!
Poker night at Toby’s
The other night we had a poker night at Toby Mathews’ house with one of the new poker sets we have out now. Toby even had a cool table made with felt complete with a Colony logo. It was a fun night except that I was the second to be out in the game & then had to watch all night, I suck at poker. In the end, it came down to Matt King & Toby Mathews, with Toby taking the win & the $400 pot. Matt scored himself the poker kit we played on. Good times.
Yo yo !!
Jonny Devine update
Jonny sent me a little update from over in the UK today & it seems he had a little mishap with his ankle… see the pic below. He will be back on the bike in no time but still looks rather painful. The weather has gone to shit over there as Jonny put it & said that it’s all just indoor park riding right now. All good though as he has a few to choose from which he will be back riding soon enough. Jonny also just put our new Colonial Cranks & Teddy Bars on his bike from Alans BMX & loves them. Thanks Jonny!
Yo yo !!
Mick Bayzand in Vancouver
Mick had this edit made up from his footage collected in Vancouver so far. He says this is the stuff he doesn’t want in the Colony team DVD that we are working on. Damn… can’t wait to see what he produces for the real deal. Check it.
Yo Yo !!
Colony Poker Sets… available now.
Yes… we have done a very limited edition Colony Poker Set which will be only available in Australia for the time being. It comes in it’s own special aluminium case with 500 x Colony chips inside, two packs of cards, dealer chip & 5 x dice. What more could you want for your gambling addictions? Only 200 exist… so be quick !! Perhaps this is the perfect Christmas gift?
Yo yo !!
Above All BMX
A good friend of mine, Julian Green, recently opened up a BMX shop in Miranda, Sydney. It’s a pretty cool little store stocking just the finest BMX brands one could wish for. If you’re ever in the area I suggest you drop in & check it out. Click here to check out their website.
Yo yo !!
Free Colony DVD promo
We are running a free DVD promo in various countries over the coming weeks.
Basically, spend AUD$50.00 or more (or your countries equivalent) & get a free Colony Web Videos DVD. It features all our web videos we have produced over the past year plus a few little extras. Total running time is approx. 45mins. Thanks for everyone’s support out there for Colony & this is a small way for us to say thanks.
The DVD’s are strictly limited so once they’re gone, they’re gone. So check with key selected retailers in the following countries over the next week or two & ask for your free DVD when you make your next Colony purchase.
Australia, China, France, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.
Yo yo !!
Nick Richardson’s new bike
Nick Richardson has been on the long road to recovery from his knee surgery earlier this year & is nearing the end of it all. He still won’t be riding till about February but we got him a brand new bike so he at least has some transport to get around. Check it out below…
Frame: 2009 Bloody Oath 21.25
Fork: Official
Headset: Colony
Bars: Bloody Oath
Stem: Official
Cranks: Colonial
BB: Colony
Sprocket: Official 25T
Pedals: Fantastic Plastic
Hubs: Clone
Brake Lever: Transformer
Seat: Mid Pivotal
Seatpost: Pivotal
Pegs: Oneway Alloy
Yo yo !!
More Bruno Faucon…
The guys at Data BMX let me know about some more clips our own Bruno Faucon from France has scored in a recent video of theirs. Check it out below.
Yo yo !!
Zac Miner’s new steed
Zac Miner recently put together a fresh new bike & here are some pics of it. Zac’s Colony parts lists is as follows…
Frame: Hell Stallion 21.25
Fork: Hell Stallion
Headset: Colony
Stem: Official
Bars: Bloody Oath
Cranks: Colonial
BB: Colony
Pedals: Fantastic Plastic
Hubs: Clone
Seat: Mid Pivotal
Seatpost: Pivotal
Pegs: Oneway CrMo

Many thanks to Nick Gascoine for the pics.
Yo yo !!
Flatland range online at Flatlandfuel
Our first offering of our flatland range is online at Flatlandfuel now. Check out Shane Badman’s Cube frame, our Pivotal seats from both Shane & Simon O’Brien, flatland pivotal post, Colonial flatland cranks and more by clicking here now.
We also have a Colony Cube frame as a giveaway in their Holiday Giveaway promotion. Check it out now.
Yo yo !!