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Wallpapers – Jourdan Barba

Jourdan really treated us last week with this spot, definitely one of the most amazing locations for a pool. Download the wallpaper here for your desktop. You can click here for more desktop downloads.


Happy Halloween

This one’s for th USA crew out there from Colony and Tom Stretton!


Luke Parker video

Last week we announced that Luke was riding for Colony and he’d been filming hard for a new web video. Well today we are stoked to drop the new video which ties in with an interview Focalpoint did with luke. You can read that all here along with some great photos.

Yo yo !!

Dealer Highlight – The Outer Rim

Last week when we were in Portland we stopped by The Outer Rim where our good friend Paddy works and checked out the shop. THe guys were super cool, stocked a bunch of Colony gear and the place was dialed!



Welcome to the team – Luke Parker

We would like to welcome Luke Parker to the family. Luke has been killing it over in Australia for the past couple years and is currently living over in California hitting everything he can whilst he is there. Something that stood out for me with Luke is that he rides everything, be it park, street or dirt this kid can do it and do it well. It seems as long as he is on his bike he is happy and that is enough for us to want to help him out. Be on the lookout for a welcome video very soon.



Brandon at Texas Toast

Brandon does one of the biggest tables in this video from Vital, Killin’ it brother.

Texas Toast – Street Finals – More BMX Videos

Portland trip

We have almost made it to San Fran on the way back to LA. The drive has been good and the last day in Oregon was dope. Hitting up a few spots in town, hanging out and just enjoying BMX.





Shane Badman update

Shane shot over an update of his travels…

“Hey guys! So I’m back in Australia now after spending the past Australian winter over in Europe riding in their summer. Good times. We flew back into Perth where we spent a few days riding with the local crew before heading out on a roadtrip around south western W.A.

I managed to do a quick photo shoot with Andras Pentek near one of the big bridges in Budapest before we left so check out one of the photos of me doing a blender. Andras is also out with me for a month in Aus, so look out for this dude!

The other cool thing to check out is a small interview I did for one of Hungary’s major BMX sites; You can check out my interview here which also has an English version when you scroll down.

Will be heading back across to Adelaide soon with a bunch more riding and road trips planned. The DownUnderGround BMX jam will be going down in Melbourne on Sunday, October 20 at Imax so come and say hi!

You can follow me on Instagram @shanebadman

Shane_blender_legend copy

Jam Chowda

Mike has a dope first clip in this video from Jam Chowda. Besides the weather it looked like a real good time.

Valvo clip

Valvo sent through this video that Rafael Bueno put together of him riding down in Belo Horizonte.

Northern travels

We are still heading north to Portland right now and yesterday we came up on this park in Sacramento called Granite which was seriously the most amazing park I’ve ever seen. If you have any interest in riding bowls this place would be the ultimate! 8 bowls with endless lines, chilled local riders and skaters and perfect lights. If you are ever in the area be sure to hit it up. Thanks to Cody for the help on this one.




On the road

Myself, Ryan, Tom, Jourdan and Bobbie are heading north of LA at the moment on a filming trip. So far it’s been a blast, hitting up some nice parks and spots and just sort of playing it by ear on where we are going. We will hopefully get to Portland in the next day or 2. Here are a few random shots from the trip.





Dealer Highlight – Epic BMX

We stopped by Epic BMX today in Westminster, CA and dropped off some fresh new stock of Colony product including the new Wasp hubs. The shop is dialed and the crew involved with it know what’s up! Follow them on Instagram at _epicbmx



More from San Diego

Yesterday we had the pleasure of riding the Home Ave Ditch, for me this has been a spot I have wanted to hit for years and it didn’t let us down. Massive shout out to anyone that played apart in making that spot what it is today.



Sealy’s Slam Jam

We are supporting the Sealy’s Cycles/YMCA jam being held down at the Frankston park in Melbourne next month. Be sure to head down and check it out.


Brandon Van Dulken update

Brandon shot through an update with a lofty table photo. Follow him on Instagram (@brandonvandulken) as he is always posting up some epic photos of landscapes in Canada.

“I Took advantage of the few nice days left with a little weekend trip down to Portland to ride some amazing spots. Good people, good vibes. Really looking forward to Texas Toast! Mad hype.”


Antipodes – Full video

The full video of the French Ride Sessions who came over to Australia in january for a month just went online. Both Clint and Tom have a couple clips throughout.

More from Valvo

I’ve been getting some great emails from Valvo lately with some nice shots. These are from a recent trip he took to Belo Horizonte-MG in Brazil.




Jack Kelly

Jack has been collecting some serious footage for his next web video, this may not be the craziest of moves but he was hyped on getting a photo of it and I am stoked on how it came out.


It’s the weekend

Since it’s the weekend, here are some recent videos to get you stoked too go ride!

Day in the life with Alex & Ryan

I think this video really shows what these two are really like, they don’t take things too seriously and have a lot of fun doing so. Have a watch and enjoy your weekend.

Brazil trip updates

So every day or 2 I have been getting sent photos from the guys in Brazil documenting their trip and I must say I am very jealous. It really does look like they are having such a good time along with the locals, just seeing how stoked everyone is in these shots makes me love BMX more and more. Go ride.

Thanks to Renan Souza for the photos.







Tom, Dean and Mick all pop up in this left overs section from the recent Antipodes DVD from the French magazine Soul. The DVD was filmed from a months trip 5 French riders took to Australia.

Brazil update

The guys over in Brazil seem to be having a blast going off the Instagram photos they’ve been posting. That being said Chris did dislocate his shoulder on the first day which is shitty but otherwise good times are being had.


Cooper Brownlee interview

Cooper has an interview over on the BMX Union website all about his work here at Colony and everything else he has going on. It’s a great read so check it out here.


Yo yo !!

Alex Hiam interview

Alex has a quick interview over on the Focalpoint site giving you a bit more insight into what he has been doing of late. Read it here.


Yo yo !!

Marnold update

Marnold shot over an update of what’s happening for him right now…

“Sup everyone, not much happening down my way, I pulled 2 muscles in my back last Monday so I’m out of action on the bike for a while which sucks a lot but I gotta rest up to get better, so in the mean time I’ve just been hanging around working on my car and chilling out, recently brought a tattoo gun which is probably not the best idea I’ve had but who cares, gotta have fun some way or another!!”


Shane Badman update

Badman seems to travel more then me which is a good thing!

“Checking in from Europe! So for the past couple of months I’ve been living in Budapest, Hungary out in eastern Europe. Got an awesome apartment in downtown and have just been spending each day riding and having a good time on my bike learning old tricks and working on a bunch of new stuff.

It’s been summer over here so have been making the most of it with a few trips to the UK and Czech Republic along the way. One of the best things about BMX is having friends all over the world and having the opportunity to travel and visit them.

So I’ve got another few weeks here and then back to Australia for the summer there. One of my good mates from Hungary, Andras Pentek who runs a massive shop over here OG Bike Shop, is coming with me so we’re gonna spend a month doing a west coast to east coast trip with a heap of riding along the way. Good times ahead!

Ride on good peoples and will check in again soon…!”


Off to Brazil

Ryan Guettler, Chris Courtenay & Clint Millar are off to Brazil this week to meet up with Valvo & ride a mini ramp contest organised with our good mates at Dream BMX. Should be a blast for the guys with a small road trip planned after the event for a few days as well. Look out for updates here while the guys are there.


Jack Kelly goes hard

We had a pretty solid weekend here in Melbourne with the sun shining both days. Jack as always went in hard and came out with a few solids but paid the price on multiple occasions for doing so.


Seems like a good time to watch this again…
