Hard Yards 3 – Crashes
As always there are some wild crashes during the Hard Yards Jam so we’ve packed them all together for 7 minutes of everyone going in 110%!
As always there are some wild crashes during the Hard Yards Jam so we’ve packed them all together for 7 minutes of everyone going in 110%!
Hards Yards #1 presented by Colony BMX was a different kind of event with the aim to be all about fun & great riding. Inspired by legendary events in the past, The Metro Jam’s & Rebel Jam’s from the 2000’s.
With a different format to most BMX jams of late, jam format, rider judged & winners in various classes such as, Tech, Style & Flow as well as Burly. Plus best trick events on the street spine, wall ride & sub-rail / hitching post.
With an invite list of 20 riders from all over Australia, a broad range of rider styles in the mix, the level of riding was a treat to watch.
The guys were all having a blast while aiming to grab a share of the $4,500 rider purse.
Filmed by Cooper Brownlee & Troy Charlesworth.
Edited by Cooper Brownlee.
Announced by Nick Richardson & Yonny Wakefield.
As Richo says, “Get to the fridge, get a litre of milk & let’s get into it!”
Hard Yards has been an event in my head for quite some time now. Saturday the 24th of June, 2023 was the day we finally made it a reality. I wanted to put on a BMX event that was completely fun & with a feel like an older comp from the 1990’s or the 2000’s. From the feedback I’ve received, looks like we achieved that. Really stoked on seeing so many smiling faces all day from riders & the crowds alike. All riders were absolutely killing it, with almost all styles of ramp riding going down.
I wanted Hard Yards to really stand out from other events. It had to be fun for those to ride in it & fun to watch those who were lucky enough to attend. Being it’s in my own backyard, invitees (19 x riders this time around) & crowds had to kept to a minimum, it’s just how it has to be.
But luckily, for those that weren’t there on the day, Cooper Brownlee & Troy Charlesworth were on hand to film the action. Expect some full blown comprehensive video coverage to come out soon. We even had Nick Richardson & Yonny Wakefield on the microphone, which was pure gold. Thank you guys.
Hard Yards was a jam format comp with groups of 4-5 riders having a 20 min jam to take as many runs on the ramp as they wanted. They could also take as many attempts at a certain trick that they wanted as well. Just like the old days, you were not stopping until you pulled what you wanted. It was great.
Classes were judged & split into different styles of riding as well. We had Tech, Burly & Style/Flow. This really enabled all riders to be able to excel in their own style of riding & grab some glory. Some riders did well in all 3 categories.
To top it all off, it was all rider judged. That’s right, each rider after the event, had their own judging form & then chose their own top 3 riders for each Tech, Burly & Style/Flow.
We also had 3 best trick events as well. One on the street spine, one on the wallride & to finish it off, one on the hitching post. Again all rider judged with all riders choosing their own winner for each.
To top it all off we had $4,750 as the prize purse for the winners.
Once all was tallyed up, the results were…
1. Paterico Fallico $500
2. Karl Southern $300
3. Clint Millar $200
1. Sam Grace $500
2. Chris James $300
3. Dean Florian $200
Style & Flow
1. Sean Gardiner $500
2. Dean Florian $300
3. Jayden Fuller $200
Street Spine Best Trick
1. Paterico Fallico $500
Wallride Best Trick
1. Chris James $500
Hitching Post Best Trick
1. Dean Florian $500
There was also a Pixeld Energy rider of the day chosen by none other than Nick Richardson himself, the owner of Pixeld Energy. For absolutely killing it all day in every way, Richo chose his rider of the day.
1. Karl Southern $250
I plan to have two Hard Yards events each year with the next one already in the planning stages to be about 5-6 months from now.
Look out for the video coverage to be coming out in the weeks ahead. It’s going to be something really special to watch & will give you the feeling of being here in person, regardless if you were or not.
Thanks to all those that helped out along the way, you all rule. Thanks to all the riders that came along & rode all day, you all rule. Thanks to everyone that came out & supported the event, you all rule.
Hard Yards #2 will have a date announced soon.
Yo yo !!
Watch the highlights of Chris James, Sam Grace, Koby, Alec Danelutti and Jake Wallwork from the 2022 Oceania BMX Freestyle Championships at Beenleigh BMX park in QLD, Australia.
We stoked to be supporting the Core Series contest thats are coming back in both Queensland and Victoria. Come have some fun at some great parks!
Congrats to Natalya Diehm on winning the Vans BMX Pro Cup womens Mexico stop. Looking forward to seeing the footage.
Photo shot by Rob Dolecki / Vans.
BMX Centre are putting on a jam in the coming weeks at Nerang park down the Gold Coast that we’re helping support, a bunch of the team will be around so make sure you come out for a roll.
Here’s some highlights of the crew at this years BMX Worlds in Cologne Germany. Watch Chris James and Paulo Sacaki hit the dirt whilst Clint Millar, Jayden Fuller, Paterico Fallico, Zozo Kempf, Marcel Gans, Zac Dangerfield and Konstantin Andreev get busy on the park setup.
Anthony Napolitan is hosting a bowl jam in SD later this month at the CA Facility. We’ve gotten behind the jam so make sure you get out there for the good times that will no doubt go down!
It’s been a great trip so far with the jams and some great sessions outside of them. Here’s a few photos from the last couple days.
Congrats to Chris James for scoring 2nd at the Vans BMX Pro Cup, Josh came 10th and Alex copped 13th in the finals. Natalya also scored 2nd in the womens and also best trick!
Banks Jam in Melbourne went down a couple weeks back and it was a wild time, check the video from the jam below.
Moomba Festival comp in Melbourne is going down next weekend and we’re supporting it as always. Alex Hiam is heading down for this so come out for a roll.
This weekend make sure you hit up the annual Banks Jam. Location details are below!
Next month we’re supporting the UCI International at The Village. The last contest (at Rampfest) was great so no doubt this will be a good time also.
Team riders Alex Hiam, Josh Dove, Jayden Fuller, Dean Anderson and Clint Millar, headed to Slam Factory Indoor Skatepark on the Central Coast in January to bring some of the NSW scene together for a good old fashioned jam. While the various crews who made the trip to Slam had unique riding styles — from tech-wizards in the bowl to trail-lords on the box jump and street-dogs on the flatrail — everyone had one thing in common; a massive smile on their faces as they shared a fun night riding bikes, catching up with old friends and making some new ones.
Up-and-coming videographer Ben Norris from Sydney’s Northern Beaches came up to document the good times and this edit is the result.
BMX is welcome at all times at Slam Factory, so if you wanna ride there with your mates or pick up some Colony BMX products, check out Slam Factory for opening hours.
Next Saturday (Feb 9th) the Morayfield Jam is kicking off! Come down from around 4pm for some good times with the crew!
This Saturday down in Melbourne some of the crew will be sessioning the Box Hill park. Make sure you guys come out.
Whilst we’re in Newcastle next weekend we will be hitting up Parrey Park for a session on the Sunday evening, make sure you come out for a roll.
We’re planning to do a bunch of jams around the country all through 2019 & this one here, at Woodridge on the weekend, was the first to kick things off for the year.
Thanks to all that came out & had a great time. The vibe was awesome all day with everyone just riding & having fun. So many faces from all over from all ages & riding levels.
It was good to see parents come & watch all day as well. So good to see everyone smiling all day & supporting each other.
So much awesome stuff went down, so many different styles of riding. The Bunny hop comp was a treat to watch even after the two sticks we had broke. Things kept going on with the use of a bush style stick. In the end it was Alex Hiam we cleared the highest at 43 inches.
If your down south, we have another 3 set for later this month plus one at Beenleigh as well. Check the flyer below for all dates & locations.
Have fun, ride bikes is what it’s all about.
Thanks to Wayne Cant for the photos, you can see even more shots here.
Next Saturday make sure you get down to the Slam Factory indoor park for a session and good times. A bunch of the team will be there for a roll.
We’ve lined up some jams along the east coast over the coming weeks, come down for a shred with everyone.
Come down to Woodridge park in Brisbane on the 5th of January as we’ve teamed up with LUX and Focalpoint for a session. A bunch of the crew will be there along with giveaways so make sure you get out for it.