We’re planning to do a bunch of jams around the country all through 2019 & this one here, at Woodridge on the weekend, was the first to kick things off for the year.
Thanks to all that came out & had a great time. The vibe was awesome all day with everyone just riding & having fun. So many faces from all over from all ages & riding levels.
It was good to see parents come & watch all day as well. So good to see everyone smiling all day & supporting each other.
So much awesome stuff went down, so many different styles of riding. The Bunny hop comp was a treat to watch even after the two sticks we had broke. Things kept going on with the use of a bush style stick. In the end it was Alex Hiam we cleared the highest at 43 inches.
If your down south, we have another 3 set for later this month plus one at Beenleigh as well. Check the flyer below for all dates & locations.
Have fun, ride bikes is what it’s all about.
Thanks to Wayne Cant for the photos, you can see even more shots here.