Nathan Charles Tribute Tee
Cooper Brownlee let me know about this Nathan Charles tribute tee shirt that is available now. Check out Focalpoint for all the info by clicking here. I urge everyone to support the cause.
Yo yo !!
Cooper Brownlee let me know about this Nathan Charles tribute tee shirt that is available now. Check out Focalpoint for all the info by clicking here. I urge everyone to support the cause.
Yo yo !!
The guys over at Strictly BMX sent over this pic of a custom Hell Stallion they have just built up using our Bloody Black & Polished colourways. It looks pretty sweet for sure. For more info on this actual bike check out the Strictly site by clicking here.
Yo yo !!
My long time friend from Japan, Shoe-G, did an interview with myself a while ago now. He has just got it up in English for all to check out. It’s a little old now but still pretty cool & Shoe-G wanted to world to see it. So check it out by clicking here now.
Thanks for the interview & kind words at the end Shoe-G. I so wanna go back to Japan again. Last time I was there it was amazing & Shoe-G took me to the best Sushi ever while we shared a bottle of Jack together. Good times… you rule mate.
Yo yo !!
Finally, we have received our first shipment into Australia to be distributed directly out of Brisbane by ourselves.
This means that items like our Fantastic Plastic Pedals are being shipped to bike shops across Australia right now. Also be on the look out for our 3 new limited edition colour ways, Yellow (available on the full range), Bloody Black (frames, forks, bars & cranks) & Polished (alloy parts only).
Check with your local shop this weekend for all these items & more.
Thanks for everyone’s support & patience out there, I really do appreciate it.
Yo yo !!
Nick Cooper is arranging a bush fire benefit jam at Beenleigh on February 28th. Check the flyer for details. Proudly supported by the companies listed. There will even be bands playing live music. You can also bid for certain people to do tricks on the day. All proceeds go to the appeal. Don’t bother showing up unless you have donations at the ready !!
Yo yo !!
Simon O’Brien recently bought himself his first house & has begun renovating it to his liking. Check the pics below for how it is now. I am looking forward to seeing the after shots & the fruits of his hard work. Congrats go out to Simon for making this huge step into home ownership !! Well done mate.
Yo yo !!
Unless you have been living under a rock, you must have heard about the devastating bush fires that have caused so much destruction in Victoria, Australia. Sanction BMX are doing their bit towards raising some funds for those in the need & we have supported the cause as well. If you are in the area make sure you attend & dig deep with support.
There are more events like this being planned all over the country with one in Brisbane soon as well, more on that soon.
Yo yo !!
Jonny Devine, our UK flow team rider sent in this cool little edit of him & some friends at a park escaping the cold weather over there. Look out for Jonny in the red flannel shirt. Some cool riding & good editing to boot. Thanks to Stephan Melling for making the video.
Yo yo !!
I have been working on this one here for a little while & finally got the first samples the other day. I am very happy with how this first sample came out. Once I get a few of the guys riding it we will see if it works as well as it looks.
Basically, the guard will only fit our hubs & you take off the non-drive side cone nut & replace it with the guard. It acts as your cone nut & a hub guard all in one. This design takes away the need to spread your rear end to fit it all in. Nice & simple.
It’s CNC machined from 7075T6 alloy & will come in all our colours. Expect it out no earlier than August this year. We will let you know how they test over the coming months.
Yo yo !!
Then hit up Tim Wood for his smaller one. It’s for sale & 24 ft wide, 12 ft high, 10.5 ft tranny with 16 ft of flat. It’s metal construction & can be yours for $8,000 cash if you take it way yourself or for $15,000 Tim will deliver & set it up for you if you live near Brisbane. Quite the bargain. Hit Tim up on 0403 325 433 if you are serious & want to get it before it’s gone.
Yo yo !!
They say it pays to have good connections & it’s also true when it comes to cool BMX only shops. Check out Connections BMX in Bendigo for proof of the many cool rider owned & ran BMX shops alive & kicking in Australia right now. Make sure you support your local BMX shop no matter where you live in this great country.
Yo yo !!
Sorry for the lack of updates lately but have been flat out setting up the new distribution centre for Colony in Australia the last week. Shops across Australia can expect their backorders for Colony gear to be shipped next week. So riders around the country can rejoice soon. Thanks for everyone’s support with this new era for Colony, I appreciate it.
Yo yo !!
The Vans/Colony Whip 2 Ryan Guettler signature shoe is available now at major BMX shops in Australia. We are so very stoked to have teamed up with Vans on this project & are very happy with the final product. Make sure you go check these limited edition bad boys out soon & get yourself a piece of BMX history.
Ed note: For shops out there that want to stock these shoes you will need to contact Vans directly in your country, sorry we do not sell these shoes here at Colony.
Yo yo !!
On the last official night of our tour we were all pretty much wrecked form the weeks travelling & riding. So our Rampfest night turned into a bit of a chill time for us. All good though as Alex kept the flag flying & rode like a champion. Check out this little video that Bloodshed Productions made for Channel 31 in Melbourne. Enjoy.
Yo yo !!
Bloody Oath Custom
Check out the custom Bloody Oath the guys at Strictly BMX have put together… looks the goods for sure. Click here for full details including spec list & price.
Yo yo !!
We have a winner !!
For those that were down at the BMX Games the other week some of you may have noticed the Hell Stallion frame giveaway we had in the official BMX Games program booklet.
Basically you had to send in a pic of yourself with one of the Colony team members present at the games. We had many entries & some really cool emails to go along with them.
But the winner is… Chloe from the Gold Coast. She won not only because of her photo but also because of the cool email she sent along with it. Read on below…
“Hi, My names Chloe from the Gold Coast.
I want to win the frame because I love BMX, my partner rides, my brother rides and I want to start !!! All the boys at Helensvale skate park have been teaching me on their bikes !!!
I was going to ask Ryan to paper, scissors, rock me for a Colony Poker Set !! But we already one of those.”
Congrats Chloe & enjoy your new frame.
Yo yo !!
Down Underground Series – Round 2
I just got sent the results for the Down Underground Series round 2 which went down in Melbs a week or two ago now. Check out below to see who was hot on the day (everyone was with the damn heat down there)
It’s also cool to see a few older familiar names up there like Tony Newton, Chris Pollack & Matt Holmes… good stuff. See you all at the Brisbane event… I will have a flat bike going by then, fingers crossed.
5TH……..BRETT ‘Stumpy’ MASON
Yo yo !!
Shane Badman checks in…
Shane Badman sent in an email with a few pics of what he has bene up to of late. Read on below…
The harsh northern winters of Europe arn’t great for riding. Living in Sweden is awesome but with snow becoming an all too familiar sight & the temperature currently around -12C during the day sometimes you gotta make the big call. So 4 airports, 3 flights & 22 hours in the air later I landed back in Australia to warm summer weather & white sandy beaches. Word.
It was a great being back in Aus. Coming back to visit never leaves you with as much time as you’d like, but we were still able to get to Melbourne for a Jam that was put on by a bunch of the locals – big thanks goes out to Paul Chamberlain & crew for putting it all together. While in Melbs I also managed to hook up with world renowned photographer Chris Polack for a shoot. Getting the job done at Imax & down at St Kilda was great with an impromptu demo going down for the locals at the beach – look for upcoming shots in future issues of Rebelyell!
So I’m back in Sweden now riding in my warehouse that I have for the winter. I’m taking care of a few projects & also planning for some of this years trips – stay tuned for further updates!
Yo yo !!
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