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Instavids – Jourdan Barba

Jourdan is always posting up interesting lines at unique spots. Follow him on Instagram for more.

A video posted by Jourdan Barba (@jourdanbarba) on

A video posted by Jourdan Barba (@jourdanbarba) on

Jourdan Barba update

Hey guys checking in. I’ve been riding a lot lately really enjoying my bike and having fun. I took a day trip to the famous Nude Bowl recently, the place is so amazing and magical. Slashing around the pool felt surreal! I’ve also been getting some last minute clips and putting the finishing touches on my new Colony video that should be dropping very soon!

Follow me on Instagram and keep up with my day to day adventures @jourdanbarba




Jourdan Barba footage

Any footage of Jourdan is good footage, some of these clips might be old but his technical rail moves never get old…

Jourdan Barba update

Hey guys just checking in, been real busy lately with work and my boys Stefan and Abel. I’ve also been trying to get a new Colony video finished that I’ve been really pushing myself to get my best footage to date so keep an eye out for that in the next month or so! Follow me on insta @jourdanbarba to keep up with my day to day adventures !


Jourdan @ Stacked

Larry from Stacked BMX in Riverside, CA recently had a jam outside the shop which was littered with flat rails and ledges for everyone to shred. Jourdan features throughout this video doing some really creative moves on the rails set-ups…

Jourdan Barba bike check

Jourdan Barba just set-up a fresh new bike which includes his signature Menace guard sprocket and the fresh Leopard print Contour rims.





Jourdan Barba round 1

Jourdan came 4th at the Vital BMX game of bike, here is the video from round One…

Jourdan Barba vs Sean Morr – More BMX Videos

Jourdan Barba 4th @ Vital

Congrats to Jourdan who came 4th at Vital’s game of bike over the weekend. You can view a large photo gallery right here and I am sure the video will be out soon.



Jourdan Barba in the Game of Bike – Street

Jourdan Barba has been invited to Vital BMX’s Game of Bike Street on this weekend. Check here for full details & if you can, get along to see Jourdan give it his best.

Jourdan’s signature Menace Guard Sprocket is out now too !!

Check out his latest Colony edit below as well.



Yo yo !!

Jourdan Barba update

Hey guys I’ve been riding a lot more lately now that my boys are getting bigger they are at 3 months old now and are starting to sleep longer! I just put on Colony plastic pegs and a freecoaster and I really love it. It opens up so many different options for riding and it’s really kept me stoked lately on my bike!

I’ve been trying to film as much as I can lately, went out last weekend and got a brutal knee to the stem that cut me pretty deep it doesn’t hurt as bad as it looks I just need to let it heal for now. I got an invite to the Vital game of bike on the 4th of October that I’m really looking forward too can’t wait!


Product update – Menace Guard Sprocket

Jourdan Barba is a street assassin, pure & simple. We hit him up on a trip in Australia a while back, about doing a signture product & this sprocket here is the end result. The Menace Guard Sprocket is perfect to protect your chain when doing crooked grinds & a slew of other stuff, these things are tough. Machined from a solid plate of 7075T6 alloy to exacting standards they will run true for you. Check them out at a dealer near you now. Black or Polished & in 25T only for now.



Yo yo !!

Jourdan Barba update

Hey guys wanted to check in, I’ve been working a lot lately with my air conditioning job and when I’m not working I’m helping my wife Katherine with our boys Stefan and Abel . Just recently I’ve been taking a few hours here and there to ride a skatepark or a bit of street.



Jourdan Barba fire!

Jourdan really came through on this video. Unique spots and creative lines had me wanting more the entire time. Shoutout to Larry Alvarado for putting this together it was a banger…

Stacked BMX Shop

Jourdan and Larry have some clips in this promo for Stacked BMX Shop which is Larry’s project in Riverside CA. The guys stock Colony so get down there and give them some love.

Jourdan Barba update

Hey guys I’ve been spending a lot of time visiting my new born twin boys Stefan and Abel at the hospital they will be in for a few more weeks they are doing very good and getting healthier! I’ve also been riding and filming whenever I get a chance I have a new edit complete and ready to drop soon that I’ve been filming since the beginning of the year with Larry Alvarado so keep your eyes peeled for that!



Stacked BMX night ride

Larry ‘s shop Stacked BMX over in Riverside, CA is putting on monthly night rides and Vital was on hand to capture the first evening. Jourdan and Larry along with all the locals throw down some good lines throughout. Stacked stock all our product so hit them up if you are ever in the Riverside area.

Stacked BMX Shop: First Monthly Night Ride – More BMX Videos

Jourdan Barba update

Hey guys I’ve been working a lot lately with my new masonry job but I’ve been going on day trips every weekend with Larry Alvarado filming for a upcoming ODI x STACKEDBMXSHOP edit that I’m almost done with so keep in eye out for that in the near future!



Stacked BMX

Good friend Larry Alvarado just announced he will be opening a BMX store in Riverside, California next month under the name Stacked BMX. He produced this great video featuring all the brands he will be stocking and Jourdan holds it down for us throughout the video. Follow them on Instagram @stackedbmxshop and hit play…

Jourdan Barba video

When Jourdan visited Australia for a few weeks last year he went in on a bunch of spots then we finished up the video with clips from the USA. Thanks to Larry Alvarado for filming a few of the clips. Enjoy…

Jourdan Barba video

Jourdan comes through with a fresh new video for his clothing hookup Index Ink. As you would expect there are some amazing spots in this and Jourdan treats them right.

Jourdan Barba photo

Spotted this great photo of Jourdan in a photo gallery from Wes McGrath over on the Albion website. Check all the photos right here.


Web Advert – Jourdan Barba

This pool Jourdan took us was seriously in the best location ever! As you can see from the photo’s it was a sunset chasers dream. Oh yeah the pool was amazing also.

jourdan promo

Jourdan Barba – Hazyinaz

We helped support this TCU trip that Jourdan went on recently up to Arizona. All the guys killed it and the vibe of this edit is real cool. Put together by Nate Richter.

Jourdan Barba HayzinAZ trip

A couple weeks back Jourdan went on a trip for TCU and he shot through an update about it. There is a real nice photo gallery from the trip that Wes McGrath shot you can check out right here.

“The trip was fun we stayed at a friend Robbie’s house for 5 days rode a couple schools and spots, skateparks at night and we filmed a Instagram slam video that was fun to do with the whole crew… Dan Norvell,Jackson Ratima, Raul Ruiz, Glen Girboven, Nate and Wes! We rode and saw a lot of famous Phoenix spots, rode LA for a couple days after Arizona and went to the OSS store opening which was a good time! Over all it was a good trip and the video should be dropping soon for everyone to check out!”




Wallpapers – Jourdan Barba

Jourdan really treated us last week with this spot, definitely one of the most amazing locations for a pool. Download the wallpaper here for your desktop. You can click here for more desktop downloads.


Jourdan Barba Instagram slam

Jourdan and a few of his boys get in on the latest TCU Instagram Slam. Damn that park looks slippery.

Jourdan Barba summer video

Jourdan spent the past 5 months filming this dialed video with Larry Alvarado which just premiered over on TCU. Hit play and enjoy.

FTLT coming to an end

Well for me this trip has been a solid 4 weeks of filming and driving and although the past week has been from home it has still felt like a trip. In the very early hours of tomorrow morning both Brandon and Jourdan will be heading back home overseas and Tom headed back to Brisbane this evening. It’s been a blast and we got some really solid footage. Here are a couple photos from just before of the guys packing up and chilling watching all the footage from the past weeks.

FTLT – Day 17

The sun was out again in Melbourne so I took the guys down to the iconic St Kilda banks on the beach which was pretty damn good then onto the city for a roll well into the evening. Good times indeed.

Jourdan Barba video

Jourdan is out here in AUS right now filming with us on the road and for some extra goodness he just dropped this new web video!
