
Archive Of brazil Archives - Colony BMX

Andre Jesus back in Brazil

Andre sent over some great photos courtesy of Felipe Hoffmann. Andre is back in Brazil for a while so keep a lookout for him at a bunch of comps going down this year.







BMX in Brazil

Business meeting in Taiwan with these two who basically run BMX in Brazil. As well as distributing Colony for us in Brazil, they also run BMX events there as well for all riders.

Whilst over a few too many beers & some good food, we discuss plans for the next years ahead with BMX & Colony in Brazil. Good things are brewing !!

Yo yo !!

Brazil trip updates

So every day or 2 I have been getting sent photos from the guys in Brazil documenting their trip and I must say I am very jealous. It really does look like they are having such a good time along with the locals, just seeing how stoked everyone is in these shots makes me love BMX more and more. Go ride.

Thanks to Renan Souza for the photos.






More from Brazil

Valvo sent through some more photos from the Brazil comp that the guys hit up. Like I said the other day, the guys have been having a blast thanks to our great distro over there Dream BMX. The guys are setting off on a little roadtrip for a few days before heading home, look out for more updates from the trip soon.




I also just spotted this clip of Millar riding the ramp, so stoked he pulled that last trick

Brazil update

The guys over in Brazil seem to be having a blast going off the Instagram photos they’ve been posting. That being said Chris did dislocate his shoulder on the first day which is shitty but otherwise good times are being had.


Off to Brazil

Ryan Guettler, Chris Courtenay & Clint Millar are off to Brazil this week to meet up with Valvo & ride a mini ramp contest organised with our good mates at Dream BMX. Should be a blast for the guys with a small road trip planned after the event for a few days as well. Look out for updates here while the guys are there.

