
Archive Of Millar, Author at Colony BMX - Page 16 of 87

Colony team in the USA…

Today Tom Stretton, Cooper Brownlee, Peta Shepherd & myself are off to the USA to ride. A few days later Chris Courtenay & Alex Hiam will be meeting us in Cali as well where we will ride around & stay with Ryan Guettler.

Then the week of June 3rd till June 9th, we will all travel to Woodward West along with Jourdan Barba, Bobbie Altiser, Paddy Gross & Brandon Van Dulken. We will be at Woodward West to ride with the campers & film for an edit or two. If you’re lucky enough to be staying at Woodward West that week (week 1 of camp), make sure you come up & say hi to us all.

Yo yo !!

Mr. Bayzand

Mick met up with a few riders today for a roll down at the park in Prahran. Here are a few words from the man himself…

Today was an awesome day. I met up with my little homies at Strictly BMX were we hung out for a bit, sticker’d up some bikes & then headed to the park for a roll. It was a good chilled session. I want to thank everyone who came down & hung out with me. It was a really fun day & we should do it again soon. Keep shredding homies, peace.

Yo yo !!

The good ol’ days…

Today I went for a roll with a few good friends on some old school bikes just like back in the day. It was a perfect day weather wise & a really cool time was had by all. Thanks to Ross Lavender for organising the day.

Yo yo !!

Wanna learn nothings?

Peta Shepherd shows you how in this video below. Get to it !!

Yo yo !!

Holiday time…

I recently went on my first tropical island holiday for a week. Matamonoa, Fiji was the destination & it was amazing. We stayed on a small island off the coast & did nothing but snorkel, swim, play ping pong & tennis, kayak, go fishing, eat, sleep & drink. It was perfect. I had been wanting to do something like this for years & finally got around to doing it. We even got to visit the island where the film, Castaway was filmed starring Tom Hanks. Here a couple pics from the week over there.

Yo yo !!

Another custom by Lux BMX

The guys at Lux BMX built up another dope custom bike this time a very special one off 2013 The Living frame in the exclusive 2013 Sweet Tooth colour way, Matte Orange. Tom Stretton’s good mate Shane Batchelor is the proud owner & it looks the goods.

Yo yo !!

New Australian flow rider…

A few weeks ago I rode at Kuraby with Peta Shepherd one afternoon & there was a local rider there doing some good stuff. Well 2 days ago, Peta comes by the office with a video on her phone of the said local rider ripping it up. She said we should hook him up at some point down the track. I was down with the idea & so today she bought him into the office. We got him on a fresh new 2013 Teddy frame & full set up. Check it out below.

Introducing 16 year old Chusak Sri-akharach, otherwise & more easily known as Nuke. Sorry Alex, you’re not the youngest on the team anymore !! Be on the look out for this kid in the future. Welcome to the team mate.

Yo yo !!

Guettler & Nasty head to head

This was cool… who you think wins? Guettler or Nasty?

Yo yo !!

Mick off to Canada soon…

Mick Bayzand has been resting up from his recent shoulder injury but is well on the road to recovery. He is also heading off to Canada for a few months on June 10th, expect updates from there.

On other news… Mick will be having a casual roll at Prahran Skatepark in Melbourne this Saturday from lunch time onwards. He will also have a bunch of free copies of The Colony DVD for those that are keen. So if you’ve ever wanted to meet Mick in person head out to Prahran this Saturday & meet the man himself.

Yo yo !!

Istvan checks in…

Pef from Unleaded BMX in France sent in a little report about the Fise in Montpellier on behalf of Istvan Calliet.

Istvan qualified himself to the Freegun Air Spine contest, facing Pat Casey, Mark Webb, Daniel Dhers, Brett Banasiewicz, Alex Coleborn… so it wasn’t an easy contest, considering the opponents level! The only frenchmen on the final list too!

Spine final happened on Saturday evening, the weather wasn’t that great, got some rain over here, but they did prepare a cover in case. 720 on spine, 360 whip, Flair, also tried a 900 as best trick but sadly didn’t land it.A few clips here.

See you this weekend at the Street Station in Lyon for your revenge Istvan!


Core Series highlights video…

Last weekend was the Core Series at Albany Creek here in Brisbane. Below is the highlights video from the day which was a huge success. Thanks to everyone that supported the event. There is a 3rd one in the works soon… more on that soon.

Yo yo !!

Sidewall Fresh Picks: CC Sprocket

The fine folks over at Sidewall Distro in the USA have released one of their latest fresh picks & it features Chris Courtenay’s own CC Sprocket, check it out.

Yo yo !!

Dealer highlight – Edge Lifestyle

We ere down in NSW last month & dropped by Edge Lifestyle down in Orange, they are good supporters of Colony with a range of our parts in stock. They also can get anything you need in without delay. Go see Jake for your BMX needs & he will get you sorted. They even had the Colony DVD playing there & we caught a candid shot while I was on the screen.

Yo yo !!

Oskars Zajarskis checks in…

Oskars Zajarskis sent in a quick update…

The past weeks in Latvia where a blast, I got a new job at a bike shop, where I restore old dutch bicycle and I love it. Can’t ride every day but it’s not so bad. The weather here is finally in summer mode, so I can shred in a tee shirt! Here is a random pic from today’s sesh, hope you like it and talk soon – Oskars.

Yo yo !!

Dealer exclusive with Sidewall USA

Sidewall Distribution in the USA are offering a free TSG Helmet along with free shipping with any 2012 Colony complete bike purchased. This is for dealers only though so any Colony dealers in the USA may want to jump on this pronto.

Dealers contact your Sidewall sales rep ASAP for this great deal as stocks are limited.

Yo yo !!

Happy 7th birthday Colony !!

Today marks the 7th birthday for Colony as a company. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 7 years already. I would like to thank everyones support for us over the years. It’s been quite a ride to get to where we are now & we’re looking forward to many more years to come yet.

So thanks again to all our distributors, all the shops, all of our team, all of our employees, all the magazines & all the websites that have supported us from day one. More importantly, I would like to personally thank any rider out there who has ever bought one of our products or simply been down with what we’re about. Without all you guys, we would be nothing, so thank you.

We compiled a flipbook of photos pulled from the news posts over the past six years that the website has been live, enjoy…

As a special kind of celebration we have released our first ever road trip DVD from back in 2007. ‘A Month In The Life Of’ was filmed over the span of a few weeks starting in Beenleigh, Australia with the Spinal Disorder comp then road tripping from Brisbane down to Sydney for the BMX Games. We then met up with Dave Osato & headed over to New Zealand to explore the south island before returning to the north island for the last ever X-Air comp that went down in NZ. Good times.

A Month in the Life of Colony BMX DVD 2007 from Colony BMX on Vimeo.

Simon off to Redbull Circle of Balance

Simon O’Brien just hit me up & said he has been invited to the very exclusive Circle of Balance put on by Redbull. It’s set for this September in Japan, should be awesome.

Yo yo !!

Paddy Gross checks in…

Paddy Gross checked in with a quick update on his move to the USA, read on below.

I am still dealing with adjusting myself to this country after a couple months since I moved here and everyone who has ever been to the states already knows that some things’n people are kinda weird, funny and beyond the moon haha but well i am not doing it the american way i guess with not eating fastfood and hang out watching telly all day.

I am riding my bike almost everyday and I usually start riding the legendary Burnside skatepark under the city bridge for an hour before I am heading to work. This place really became one of my favourites because it’s a challenge every time I ride it. No transition is like the other and because I’ve been riding mini ramps most of my life, this place is teaching me to ride lines and not using my brake so much, even I still have them and I always will.

The weather is getting heaps better and my mom who has had some big time health issues going on is doing super fine again and likes my colony shirts a lot (as you can see haha)

The good thing about this area is that it has skateparks and spots everywhere and I pretty much have a new place on every weekend I can go and this picture was shot by my misses who loves to join me once in a while when I go ride. Well that’s pretty much it and I hope your all happy’n healthy out there. So then, I am out, thanks for reading and have fun! Cheers, Paddy.

Yo yo !!

T-Strett for LUX BMX edit…

I really enjoyed this. Tom Stretton doing his thing for LUX BMX like only he can. Pure genius.

Yo yo !!

Alex Hiam & the 2013 Sweet Tooth

Alex Hiam has been off the radar of late but that will soon change.

His new bike shown is the new 2013 Sweet Tooth frame which will be available worldwide in July this year. The colour shown is an exclusive colour to his model frame, Matte Orange. Alex’s frame will come in 19.8″, 20.3″ & 20.6″ sizes.

Read on below as to what he has been up to of late…

Yoo! I have been injured with a broken ankle for 3 months now and fully recovered from surgery. I have been going insane not riding and finally built my new 2013 Sweet Tooth and going to start riding again 🙂 I haven’t been doing much while I’ve been injured, just Xbox, school and chilling with mates. I have had a pretty bad start to 2012 with getting real sick then breaking my hand and ankle. Now that I’m all healed and hopefully I have a injury free year ahead of me ! My main priority when I start riding again is to film another web edit! Here are some photos of when I was injured and my new Sweet Tooth.

Yo yo !!

Guettler road trip video

Ryan Guettler did a road trip out to Woodward West recently & this is the end result… check it out. Looks like such a fun place & a good trip to boot.

Yo yo !!

Ryan Guettler checks in…

Ryan Guettler recently was in Australia but before that he was keeping busy over in the USA. Read on below on what he has been up too…

April has been a big month I went on a Pro-tec road trip with the team to shoot photos for the catalogue and make a web edit. It was an amazing time! We drove from the Vans HQ to Phoenix rode a lot of parks and trails so it should get a good web edit out of it. As a team we had talked about doing the Phoenix BMX race after we were doing with the Pro-tec stuff so we stayed around and I tell you what it was crazy. I’ll be doing more races this year for sure so much fun. In Saturday’s race I got a 3rd place and on Sunday’s I got a 2nd.

Yo yo !!

UK exclusive complete bikes…

ARC Skate Park in Preston, UK have some exclusive UK colours 2012 complete bikes in stock now.

Yo yo !!

Crux Division…

Crux Division is a support program by the good guys at Sidewall Distribution in the USA. Through this program they support various riders including Sabastian Smith. Check out his Miner frame decked with Colony parts here now.

Yo yo !!

Trip update…

We have spent the last few days here in Bathurst for Newtons Nation & it’s been a fun time. Sunday morning we went for an early 8am ride at the nearby Orange skatepark. Kenny Raggett came out with us which was a treat. Always good to see & hang with Kenny. We even got some footage of him as well. Look out for a web video from our travels here in the weeks ahead.

Yo yo !!

Dealer highlight – Freeriders Bike Shop

Freeriders Bike Shop in Camira have carried Colony since they opened just over a year ago. They carry a good range of our products & offer good service. Check them out next time you’re in the area.

Yo yo !!

Sydney to Bathurst & beyond…

It’s been a pretty good few days of driving around hitting up various parks between Sydney & Bathurst. We’ve hit up Macquarie Fields, Penrith, Lawson, Lithgow, Millthorpe & Manildra. It’s been really good so far with great weather & some good times along the way.

We rode the park in Manildra today & it was a blast. Check it out below. More from the road soon as we are at Newtons Nation now for the next few days.

Yo yo !!

Anton McGuirk on the mend…

Anton McGuirk is slowly on the mend after his crash in Estonia 4 weeks ago. Wont be too much longer till he is back on the bike. He says he wants to waste no time in getting to filming for is welcome to Colony edit. Watch this space.

Yo yo !!

Off to Shanghai, China…

Brock Olive, Marnold, Liam Zingbergs & Cooper Brownlee are all off to China today for the Asian X Games in Shanghai & too ride & explore the streets for a week afterwards. Expect some reports from over there whilst the guys are there. Should be a good trip for them all.

Yo yo !!

Off to Sydney today…

Chris Courtenay, Tom Stretton, Peta Shepherd & myself are off to Sydney for 5 days to ride & film. Tom will be staying in Sydney & meeting up with Zac Miner while the rest of us including Ryan Guettler will be travelling out to Bathurst for the weekend. Should be good times.
