Know the team – Chris Courtenay.
Chris was recently added to the flow team, then proceeded to bang out this rediculous wed edit. Read on for a little insight into his world.
What are you up to today?
Well its a nice sunny sunday so perfect! im gonna go riding with Troy Charlesworth and Nitai and hopefully get some photos and clips for a lil something we’ve been working on!
Have you always lived in Queensland?
Yeah I was born in Mackay then moved to Brisbane!
I would say you are more known for your park riding but lately it seems you have been riding a bunch of street, what has been the motivation behind that?
I guess it was just something that I really didnt ride much and just started playing around with skatepark street sections! I find it alot of fun going out and trying to find something cool to ride but yeah, I do love riding skateparks.
Tell us something about yourself people probably don’t know…
My family has a sweet beach house on a island haha!
You went to the states last year to ride, what was your best memory from that trip?
Probably a road trip to Orlando, Florida I did with two friends, Brandon Cristie and Josh Perry! Just was a real fun trip got to ride a fair bit and got a sweet hook up into Disney World which was amazing!
Any plans to travel overseas again this year?
I’m heading off to China for the Asian X Games at the end of May then back over to America for a few months! It’s coming up soon so getting pretty excited!