
Archive Of January 2016 - Colony BMX

Tom Stretton update

Hey guys, Just letting you know what I’ve been up to…

At the moment I’m down the coast in New South Wales enjoying paradise while it buckets down in Brisbane. I’ve been doing heaps of hiking which is great for my knee and I’m slowly feeling a lot better.

To add to that I have finally joined a gym and physio is going great. I really am feeling stronger everyday. Surgery is still a possibility but I have another meeting with my specialist at the end of February to find out how I’ve progressed.

Can’t wait to ride again and can’t wait to have some sick sessions. I also can’t wait to see the footage the boys got from their recent Australia trip. Keen a keen eye out, they are fucking nuts!

Until next time, peace!


Liam Marshall video

New Zealand’s Liam Marshall spent a couple weeks in Brisbane and his buddy Jayden Fuller was on hand to film and edit this IPhone video from his trip.

Jack Kelly update

I haven’t been up to much lately riding wise as I’m still recovering from knee surgery so I’ve mainly been working and hanging out with mates getting out in the 4×4 but I can’t wait to be riding again and I’ve already come up with a bunch of things I want to film when I’m back.


Little throwback from when JK spent a month in California hitting every rail possible…

Jackie Straiton @ Florida BMX series

Jackie has a few clips near the end of this highlights video from the 2nd stop in the Florida BMX series which is also came out with first place at…

Ricky Catanzariti in Melbourne

Ricky has been staying in Melbourne this week filming for new video part. Some of the things we’ve filmed so far have been quite incredible and I can’t wait for everyone to see the footage. Ricky really puts in work for his clips so it will be great to have something solid come from it.


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2017 bike range samples

Hot off the press is this spy photo I took for you on our 2017 bike ranges. These will hit stores around September / October this year. Designed in Brisbane, built in Taiwan at the world’s best bike factories.

Yo yo !!

Dean Anderson bike check

A couple weeks ago when we were in Brisbane Dean put together a fresh new Sweet Tooth frame along with a bunch of new parts and it didn’t take him long to get use to it.

Frame: Colony Sweet Tooth.
Forks: Colony Guardian.
Bars: Colony Kill Bars.
Stem: Colony Square Back.
Headset: Colony.
Cranks: Colony 22’s.
Pedals: Colony Fantastic Plastic.
Hubs: Colony Wasp Hubs.
Rims: Limited Green Storm Contour rims.
Sprocket: Colony 25T Cadiz.
Pegs: Colony Anyway plastics.
Grips: Colony Much Room.









Welcome Paulo Sacaki

We are stoked to announce Paulo to the team reppin’ Colony over in Brazil via Dream BMX. Be on the lookout for more from him very soon.


Victor Salazar @ The Shed

With the rain coming down the first day Victor was in Melbourne we decided to hit up The Shed indoor park for a session. Victor really loved the place so we filmed a bunch of clips and snagged some photos from the session.






Kuraby Jam

This Saturday Alex is putting on a jam at Kuraby park up in Brisbane. Be sure to come out for a good session with everyone.

kuraby flyer

Service Centre – How to fit BMX pedals

Detailed look into how to fit BMX pedals to your cranks. Any questions feel free to leave in the Youtube comments and we will do our best to answer them. Make sure you subscribe to our channel for more videos.

Products featured:
Colony Fantastic Plastic Pedals.
Colony 22’s cranks.

Nathan Hines footage

Nathan Hines has a bunch of footage in this new Vancouver based mixtape. His bars to rails game is on point.

Custom Monash

The guys over at Strictly BMX recently built up a fresh looking custom Monash. You can check out a bunch more images right here



Hippy Bowl

Nathan Sykes along with Matt Cordova, Trevor Sigloch, Beeverton Presquire got in a good session at the Hippy Bowl recently and they captured the good times that were had.

Nathan Sykes update

As always another month has come and gone, but not without some good times! Been riding the BMX, working on the jumps at FOD. We were hit with some good rain and the jumps got hit really hard. So been spending time out there getting them dialed back in and riding. Also finished the DIY project that I was keeping on the down low. Hopefully that edit will be dropping soon. Was super fun being able to build a spot with the homies. Definitely one of those memories I won’t ever forget. Can’t thank Matt Cordova, Evan Lane and Chris Brackamonte for making this happen!

Processed with VSCOcam with b1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with b1 preset




Summer of Colony update

It’s been a great trip so far with everyday bringing new stories along with weather reaching the 40+ temps and then wild storms hitting us with no real warning, we’ve had it all. Here are a few random shots from along the way. Hope to see some crew out at Ulladulla today from 12 along with Batemans Bay around 6 for a roll..






Mick Bayzand DIY

Mick Bayzand has some really good footage throughout this DIY video that a bunch of Melbourne guys were apart of. Check it out…


We’ve been filming a bunch on this trip for a web video along with a bunch of Instagram videos, some of which are below. Follow us on Instagram for many more.

A video posted by P O L L Y ? ☕️??✨ (@polly_mate) on

Milosz Siajkowski video

All the way from Poland, Milosz has a 5 minute video compilation of his Instagram videos from the past year. Some of the lines he does are pretty incredible.

Alex Hiam Vlog2

The 2nd instalment from Alex and his webisodes. He visits the warehouse, has a roll at Hibiscus park then finishes the day up with a fresh new tattoo that we can all relate to…

Fairfield Jam recap

Another day, another jam. Thanks to everyone that came out, it was a great afternoon in the sun.



Pizzy jam today

This afternoon head to to the Gold Coast for the session at Pizzy with the crew…


The Village Jam recap

Thanks to everyone that came out last night, it was a super fun session. Shoutout to The Village and Chris Courtenay for handling it all.




Fairfield Jam today

After a good night last night, let’s keep it rolling this afternoon at Fairfield…

colony fairfield2

The Village jam tonight!

Tonight, head down to The Village for a session with the crew. Should be a fun evening…

colony x village promo

Alex Hiam in Melbourne

Recently Alex spent a week in Melbourne and used that time to tear up some of the best transition Melbourne has to offer. Come say hi to Alex and all the crew if you are anywhere near any of the jams going down in the coming weeks.


On the road

Myself, Polly and Bracamonte spent the past 2 days driving 1800 km’s from Melbourne to Brisbane. We drove inland to mix it up and show Bracamonte some more of the country.





Chris Bracamonte in Australia

Bracamonte flew into Melbourne a couple days ago and will be spending 5 weeks in Australia. We have a lot planned for this time which should be pretty awesome. For now here are a few clips of Polly and Chris from a few parks in Melbourne.

A video posted by @chrisbracamonte on

Summer of Colony tour

This is going to be a lot of fun.

A bunch of the crew will be heading out on the road for a couple weeks between Queensland and Canberra with a bunch of stops along the way for sessions with the locals and anyone keen to trip it out.

We will be posting more info regarding times of the sessions but this will give you an idea. Be sure to come out and have a good time with all of us.


Service Centre- How to replace your brake pads

The 2nd instalment from our Service Centre video series. A detailed video on how to replace your brake pads on your bike. Any questions just jump on the Youtube page and leave them in the comments and we will do our best to respond to all of them.

Products featured: Brethren Brakes.
