So the last two months of 2014 were pretty cool, we had that Avebmx Athens trip, the last one for DVD project so
now it’s just about to be edited! Premiere should be at the end of February. I can’t wait to watch it all on big screen, should be my best video part to date.

Than Vans sent me to London for Rebel Jam , couldn’t really get close to the level of the contest but it was fun and an awesome experience. The afterparty was so heavy that I missed my flight and stay in Kingstone
for few days where we made that tree photo , it was to cold to ride unfortunately.

Now I’m kind of into finishing my study, my music and surviving inside our indoor park till the winter’s gone to hit the streets again.

Photo: Wolis

Photo: Kralik Daniel

Photo: Kralik Daniel

Photo: Wolis