Our Italian connection Daniele gives us a quick update on his latest movements.

Last movie you watched…

Bowling for Columbine (M.Moore)

A musician you are hyped on at the moment…

Fabio Bax aka Jullare, an Italian rap singer. I downloaded his last mixtape and it’s really good. Outside the Italian scene I discovered La Coka Nostra, they are nuts!

What did you get up to yesterday… 

At home waiting for my new fisheye! School in the afternoon, working with new video editing software (pretty complex, actually).

Last time you came off your bike pretty hard… 

Except for the usual crashes I’d say a couple of months ago, on a 360 over a rail, filming for my new web vid…you’ll see…

Websites you have been hitting up of late…

Facebook, Ebay and The Come Up. Oh, and  Colony, Lotek and Hoodbmx of course!

Last clip you filmed…

Railhop in Pordenone, loved it!

Last meal you ate…

Rice and tuna, not a tasty combination I’d say. Ok, cooking is hard…

Newest part on your bike… 

One Way Pegssss!

Oldest part on your bike… 


Last web video you watched… 

Brandon Van Dulken 10 clips. Amazing!

Last SMS you received… 

Oh, school stuff.


Follow me on instagram! @danieledepiccoli