I hit up Liam with a few questions, hopefully you enjoy this….


What are you up to today?

Just made myself 6 peaces of v-mite n toast and a coffee …. havn’t thought past that yet hahahaha.

Tell us something about yourself people probably don’t know…

I slept with Miranda Kerr in highschool.

You live in Melbourne now but before that you were living in Canberra, is that where you spent most you time growing up?

Uumm nah not really ,I grew up in Bendigo, then I lived at the coast for a while , then I lived at the snow .. then I lived in qbn … then Melbs .

You have been fortunate enough to travel a bit, what has been your favourite road trip so far? so far ….

Europe most def !

You are also into music quite a bit, tell us what that’s all about?

Umm , well I like to mess around with noises hahaha basically I like anything that’s had work put into it … no matter what music .