Focalpoint frame review…
Cooper Brownlee from Focalpoint has just put up a review on our Bloody Oath frame. Check it out by clicking here.
Be on the lookout for a special promotion with Focalpoint & Colony soon.
Yo yo !!
Cooper Brownlee from Focalpoint has just put up a review on our Bloody Oath frame. Check it out by clicking here.
Be on the lookout for a special promotion with Focalpoint & Colony soon.
Yo yo !!
I just worked out how to update our products catalogue !! Check out the Hell Stallion frame, Hell Stallion Forks & Cube frame specs in our products section now. Word.
All these products wont be available till August but thought you should be able to check them out easily here.
Yo yo !!
Soon you will be able to get yourself a Hell Stallion Kit at selected bike shops around the world.
These kits consist of Liam’s signature frame & fork, Official stem & Colony headset. They are only available in what we call Lighter Black (Black ED) & there are only 100 kits in existance.
You can get them with or without brake mounts & in 20.85″ or 21.25″ TT
Available late July to early August depending where in the world you are located.
Yo yo !!
Here are the preliminary designs on our first grip called, the ‘Brisbane’ grip. It’s named after my birthplace & current city of residence.
It features a soft compound with medium diameter & will come with a custom press fit plastic bar end. The cross pattern is also featured on our ‘Fantastic Plastic’ pedal. Expect a wide range of colours including some translucent ones.
No release date is set yet but we will let you know more later.
Yo yo !!
Spotted this web video up on Diversity & thought it was really enjoyable so I had to post it up here too. Steve & the boys from Ride On did a great job, just good old fun BMX.
'Ride On' from Raphael Jeroma-Williams on Vimeo.
Fantastic Plastic Pedals update
Here is a pic of the prototype sample on our plastic pedals due out August/September this year. This shows the shape of them but not the final finish as these samples are CNC machined. We do this first so to make sure its the perfect shape we want before opening the mold. I just thought I would show you this & should be able to show you the full pre production sample in a week or so. So watch this space.
Yo yo !!
More 2009 products
New for 2009 will be our first flatland stem (or could even be used by those who like a shorter reach stem for street/ramp). It’s called the T.L.D stem (Top Load Device) & will be made from 6061T6 alloy. It will have a 35mm reach & a weight of around 220 grams.
Expect it to be available everywhere in November this year. We will release more details closer to this time.
Yo yo !!
Canvas Series of Pivotal seats
Here is a small collection of some of the many new pivotal seats we will have in our 2009 range. These make part of our Canvas Series & will be out August this year.
The Silver ones are called Wings, Black one is called Splat Skull & the Yellow ones are called Ships. There is one more called Bones which is not shown. All of them will be available in Slim & Mid style seats. We will post more details soon enough.
Yo yo !!
Sneak peak 2009 pivotal seats
Here is a very sneak peak of our 2009 pivotal seats. We will have two series available – our Star Series & our Canvas Series.
The Star Series will feature our familiar star embroidery & will come in many different colour ways including different coloured bases.
The Canvas Series will feature unique artwork by Chris Harrison with some very special colour ways to suit including different coloured bases. The Canvas Series will all be limited edition & offered only once per colour way.
We will release more information closer to their release date of around August this year.
Yo yo !!
New ramps at Beenleigh
I caught up with Tim Wood down at Beenleigh today where he is putting in some more of the new ramps for the park. We now have our first ever hitching post & it looks super fun for sure. We also now have a roller to quarter pipe with backrail which will be plenty of fun as well. They will be ready to ride by the weekend.
On a side note, Tim recently got 3rd in Vert at the Asian X Games in Shanghai, China. Congrats go to Tim !!
Yo yo !!
Shane Badman in Egypt
Shane Badman sent me email from Egypt… read on below.
Everything is going really well down here in Egypt. I’m living in a resort city called Hurghada about 4-5 hours south from Cairo on the Red Sea. The city is known mostly for it’s local diving scene and crystal clear water, but is also a popular destination for the super-rich and wealthy luxury boat owners as it’s central to a bunch of other places around the Middle East & Africa.
Living in England I heard through the grapevine that a local company in Egypt were looking for a rider to do demos for a few months. After a few phone calls followed by sending some footage, they were happy to ask if i’d come down for a few months to work with them. Admittedly, the lure of white sandy beaches, 40degree weather, no rain for months and months on end and the fact that all i’d be doing is endless riding was too good to pass up.
So for the next few months or so I’m here doing daily flatland demos in the newly opened Marina for tourists and the like. The lifestyle is good, the locals are friendly and I’ve got a bunch of good spots to ride at. I have a bunch of other trips planned around Egypt over the coming weeks so stay tuned for updates and photos!

The life of a pro flatlander hey?
Yo yo !!
Transformer Lever product highlight
By now you can get our Transformer Levers in a variety of colours out there. Black, Dark Red, Pale Red, Pale Blue, Gold, Purple, Laser Green & soon White. Not only do they come a range of colours but they are also the first BMX specific full CNC lever on the market. They will save you weight & also improve your braking performance beyond belief. So for those that still run brakes these days & want the best of the best when it comes to levers, take a look at our Transformer range. At a BMX shop near you now.
For full details check our products section here.
Yo yo !!
Random news bits…
Ryan has a feature up on Vital about his new Whip 2 shoe out with Vans now. I found it rather enjoyable to watch & looks like Ryan is killing it as always. The edit has some awesome riding of Ryan in Greenville & especially his amazing backyard set up. I gotta get myself over there soon & session that ramp. Looks so much fun.
Click here now to check out the video.
Nick Richardson has to have a full knee reconstruction for the 2nd time now. Sucks big time. Richo will be out till about March next year. Take it easy during the recovery time mate.
Steve Woodward had his bike stolen the other day. Let’s hope the person that stole it gets hit by a truck. Don’t worry, Steve will be back on another Bloody Oath in no time.
Mick Bayzand is now safely in Vancouver where he will reside for the next few years. Mick will certainly be showing the streets of Vancouver what’s up & plans to get back in riding dirt more too. Expect regular updates from Mick here.
Yo yo !!
ha, I got something private going on in tha backyard!…
ahaha, well, after many a conversation of how rad it would be, a lil bit of penny saving, and alot of pondering, I finally got a backyard ramp for my house, and it’s RAD to say the least. At the moment it’s at the wazman’s house for a lil (thanks wazman!), until i prep the area at my house, but hopefully by summertime it will be in place, with a few additions. The plan is to make it a sheet wider, put some big platforms on and then put a 6 foot facing crossways and maybe a roll up into a smaller quarter the other way, with a bowl corner and a elevated wallride going out of the 6 foot. kinda like Ryan’s backyard setup but probably a bit smaller. Either that or we’ll just build a bigger tranny each side. Come summer, it’ll be beach, barbies, backyard sessions, beers, bourbon and booyashaka’s! Millar i might need some of them colony ramp srickers!
Also below are some pics from the redbull dirt pipe that was in albury out the back of melbourne the other week, it was fuckin nutso! just big and scary! a good time was had by all and congrats to mike daly for putting on such an awesome event! And even more congrats to Rusty, who took the win, stoked to say the least. Rusty is just gnarly, super smooth, high, and the 4 tricks that he did were stretched and slow, just like tricks should be! Rusty and his fiance and heading off to the states soon so the cashola was the icing in the cake for them, couldn’t have come at a better time! and congrats to Brendan Jones who came in second, jonesy is one of my favourite riders for sure, cause he goes fast and don’t give a fuck, big turndown flips and banana whip outs! laughing the whole way! I love booze! bye bye.
Frames available now!
Get them while they last at a BMX shop near you… Bloody Oath (pictured), MVP & Sect frames are arriving into stores all over the planet right now. Call your favourite shop to secure yourself one now. Check our products section to see the full details on our frames.
Don’t forget that we offer a lifetime warranty on all our post heat treated frames. Check the warranty section for full details.
Yo yo !!
Clone Hubs update…
Our range of Clone Hubs are nearing completion right now & here are some sneak peaks of the hub shells before they are assembled with the axle hardware.
Our cassette will come in 36 hole only. It will be fitted with the ceramic bushing bearing system in the 9t driver giving you fail proof reliability.
Our front hub features the strong bolt style axle & will also only come in 36 hole.
Both should be available end of July worldwide in the colours shown.
Yo yo !
Video on Vital featuring Steve Woodward
There is a video up on Vital right now featuring Steve Woodward riding his local park with some friends. Check Steve’s last trick… banger material for sure.
Click here to watch now.
Yo yo !!
Raffle at Weston Creek tomorrow.
Make sure you’re at Weston Creek tomorrow in Canberra, to help celebrate Zac Miner’s 21st birthday & grab a ticket in the raffle being held for your chance to win a bunch of Colony gear. If you see Rhysty from Backbone hit him up for a ticket.
Yo yo !!
Finally in Canberra
After 3 days of driving while taking it easy, myself & Richo are finally in Canberra. Along the way we dropped into the 2020BMX magazine offices & Hell On Wheels. Both were cool to finally check out. It’s cool to see where all the magic for the mag happens & the shop is awesome too.
There was really bad weather the whole way down from Brisbane but as soon as we arrived into Canberra it cleared up. Perfect. We picked up both Mick Bayzand & Liam Fahy-Hampton from the airport & will be heading to check out Backbone BMX in the morning. Backbone is the centre of the BMX scene in Canberra & from what I’ve heard is one of the coolest BMX shops in Australia. Can’t wait to check it out. Then we’re hitting the streets. Yeah yeah !! Check back in the next days for news from our exploits here.
Yo yo !!
Roadtrip time !!
Richo & myself head off tomorrow morning on a roadtrip down to Canberra for Zac Miner’s 21st birthday celebrations. Liam Fahy-Hampton & Mick Bayzand will also be meeting us there & we will be hitting up the streets of Canberra filming for our next web video & a full feature in 2020 magazine. Should make for a great weekend.
Yo yo !!
Pete Radivo falls ill.
Seems Pete’s luck with health is never ending & he has now fallen ill with Glandular fever. It means he will miss out on our upcoming Colony trip to Canberra but we would rather see him get better health wise. So he needs to take it easy & no riding for at least 6 weeks as prescribed by the doctor. Get better soon mate !!

Pete wont be doing any of these anytime soon.
Yo yo !!
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